
Birthday Blog … A Proper Introduction

Yes, it is fact my birthday today. At around 8:30 pm 28 years ago on this day God found it pleasing for me to be brought into this world … He has been holding my hand ever since (and carrying me when I have been too stubborn to hold on).

As this is the first real “content included” post here is a proper introduction to some of what this blog will all be about, as the days carry on. Of course not as super long as this one (each will have their own), but alas I don’t know the “lj-cut” code of blogger and admittedly haven’t been able to figure out what recommendations I have found (any help is SUPER appreciated)!

a la Cut has been learned!

Anywho, onto the good stuff :)

*LoveIs* – I believe it to be true that one of my callings in life is to help the homeless. Though I do not work with (or have) a 501-C at this time (dreams and prayers, oh my), I have linked up with a few people in order to provide weekly meals and various items to the residents of Little 5 Points Atlanta, GA. My portion of this has been going on since around July 2011, however those in my group have been ministering to this location for around 16 years! What a blessing it has been so far. One of my new tasks (due to a founder being ill, prayers appreciated) is helping to cook. It would seem that God’s humor does show since in recent weeks my course of the meal has been “the meat” and considering I have been a pescetarian for quite some time (a la a fish eaten – egg loving vegetarian for over 4 years now), Father just LOLzzz I know. However to give props where props are due, I do have a “comes-from-a-large-family” roommate (aka bestie) who swoops in to cut any chickens, if needed. The name for the movement/ministry *LoveIs* is taken from John 15:12 “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.”

A few photos for you ...

Video Bible Study (VBS) – Youtube videos and such. Hopefully one day to get my own under swing one day (personal one temporarily on hold).

WaxNotNeeded – A la written devotional posts which will include a slew verses and a lot of tasty tidbits, separate topics (for the most part).

All in all that will be the main jist of this page with some additional bzzing along the way. If you ever have any questions, comments or just want to chat, please don’t hesitate to contact me!

SiC, as always, & see you again *VERY* soon :)


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