
Guest Post (VBS) - Kaleidoscope by Levi The Poet

So if you don't know by now, other than helping out the homeless, another "top cause" of mine would be standing up against sexual exploitation.

It is a problem more serious than we know, with Atlanta actually being one of the top hubs for trafficking. However, if you would like to join in a day of 40 days of fast and intercessory of prayer, please visit this Facebook event page, put together by a network of churches in the GA area.

I came across this video today from Levi The Poet in which ... well ... I suggest you just take a gander (must props to Levi - should he ever read this - you are a man of passion and compassion, a God-blessed-deadly combination)!

If you are interested in making a difference, please check out Red Thread Movement, StreetGrace, MATTOO or The Mocha Club (taken from my C-n-C links) to learn what you can do to help!

BTW *LoveIs* has a new (slightly tweaked) logo - check it out, many props to my friend Andrew for helping me out!


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