
*LoveIs* - 2.5.12

May You feed a hungry world through me.

This is the petition in which my hearts beckons to God, for my own lot in life. I see it staring back at me, every time I look at myself in the bathroom mirror. It is a reminder that my life is pretty awesome, I am saved – have a job – food in my belly and a roof over my head. There are so many people in the world that have only one or two of the things listed, even more so those who have none at all.

Someone asked me today, “What makes you do this Hollie, come out here all smiles and help those who (some) even refuse to help themselves?” My answer was that which it will always be, “Jesus told me to.”

Of course, when I first felt the desire to go to Little 5 Points Atlanta, GA (which according to sources has such a name because on a map the historical points of the town is in the shape of a pentagram), I was confused, scared and kind of felt like a child who wanted to rebuttal to their parents “what the heck for” in a *WHHHYY* sort of manner. Once or twice I went down with friends to hand out items, but it was the day in which I went down by myself that changed it all. Looking back on it, I can see why my loved ones were a bit apprehensive of the move. I mean it isn’t every day someone carrying a backpack of water bottles and a purple roller luggage suitcase filled with paper bags of hygiene items and canned foods is seen strolling around, handing out this and that to whomever they meet (since then though I have walked down Peachtree with a rolling cooler, so my jitters about sticking out has so gone away). Even more so going into an area that has been known to, on occasion, be a house for violence, drug use and sexual exploitation. However, it was on that day that something inside me awakened, it was the day (as my mom likes to put it); I learned to love like Jesus.

Of course as the months have passed, the set up has become a lot more organized since I work alongside a trio of godly men who have been assisting in this area every Sunday for going on 16 years now. Today, I even got to meet someone who was once on the streets, but now showed no trace of his past, only smiles, as he proudly showed off his new grandson to all of his old runaround buddies.

I cannot imagine not doing what is I do, as people have heard me state before – if this could be my full time job, I would be ever so much grateful. I have looked into becoming a 501-c and the like, but a lot more goes into starting such then what meets the eye (aka it requires a lawyer, accountant & money, oh my!). However, I have faith that all things will come to be in God’s timing and it seems that I am not the only one who thinks such, as a few people have mentioned the progression of the ministry, of what they see in the future for it all. By any means, I have already started recruiting those who are about to make their move off of the streets into four walled buildings to come back and assist on Sundays.

So with all of that being said, I leave you with this …

The two buildings (which are now I believe apartments) are where I would love to see the future of this ministry unfold. I would love to convert 1 into a night time homeless shelter, for those which strictly want a place to lay their head / take a shower; and the other into a more “live to work” building in which assists people in a more in-depth way of getting off of the streets, to provide a foundation of sorts . Of course, there would also be a dedicated area for a “church”, a kitchen/dinning area, clothing/goods “shop” and even simple clinic of sorts (1 of the above mentioned in the trio is a RN).

So, with all of that thank you for taking the time to read, much love and prayers for your week & if you know of anyone who can assist in any of the above, please don’t hesitate to drop me a line (email button is on the right sidebar).

Humbly, I ask that if you read this, you do take a moment to pray for Brother Dewey. He started this ministry with his friend (who has since passed on and is now with the Father) 16 years ago and now he himself, has been having some issues with his heart. He hasn’t been able to join for about 2 – 3 months now, and it will be another 1 before the doctors feel comfortable in him returning. So many prayers to God for him, asking for speedy recovery and continued health, as he is such a blessing to those which he has know for these past years and everyone misses him terribly.

SiC ><>


  1. I love this so much. Your humility is inspiring. I join you in prayer for Brother Dewey. xo

    1. Awe Gina <3 Thank you very much for the kind words. I like to think you helped me get here along the years! Thank you very much for the prayers and HAPPY FRIDAY!

  2. I see ure heart and passion. I pray for the releasing of finances for this ministry! The Lord will give u the desires of ure heart.Your lips r anointed and u hve uncommon favor with God and man! Ure hands r anointed; whtever u touch is prosperous! I will undergird ure ministry with prayer! I cant wait for ure facility to be birthed! As u said it, so shall it be! In Jesus name!Bless u woman of God!

    1. Thank you Rabia for the blessings and prayers! It means so much to me when people come together under Christ for His glory and the betterment of His kingdom! I hope you have a wonderful weekend and continue to share your delightful nature to all that you come in contact with!
