
*LoveIs* - 3.25.12

Well no doubt it was a super blessed day in Little 5 Points today! Saw two people commit their lives to Christ, so AMEN and PRAISE BE TO GOD for that! One of the men started coming shortly after I started volunteering and I have heard his story and struggles, so I very much thankful that he is now a part of the family of believers. As the weather has turned around, the number of those who come out to join has also increased. Though not official, I’d say we fed around 45 people today. 

May the angels rejoice for those that have been added to the kingdom of God, both in L5P and all over - around the world today!

I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent. Luke 15:7

Reading for today : Psalms 91

It is so amazing to see God at work in the lives and hearts people, I do feel truly blessed to be able to be a servant for the King of Kings and show His love to others, until this age is done.

May your week be blessed and you be a light to all those you meet.

SiC <3

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