
WaxNotNeeded - The Long Lost Talent Of Rhyme

Instead of a normal devotional this week,
                I am going to share a rhyming story instead
You see a few days ago I learned out,
                A friend of mine has something in their head

It seems it’s been present there for almost 15 years,
                although you would never be wise to know it
Because this person shows no outward sign,
                and has a will that just won’t stand for it

It turns out that life indeed has handed her a sorted hand,
                but she just keeps on trucking, always thanking the “Big Man”

However not only her pain does she does carry,
                as when her little one was very sick,
                she asked Father God if that burden she could carry

Time will only tell, if that prayer has been granted,
But if broken bones and bruises are a tell-tale sign,
                then it would seem that something has been transplanted

Yet no matter what, both Mother and Daughter keep their heads held high
They see the beauty in almost everything, and look to the sky

Their minds wonderful to thoughts and far off exotic places,
but never forget that they are both here all because of God’s awesome graces

You see with all that life has thrown at them,
                One would think they would be stale and bitter
Yet in fact they grow stronger with each passing day,
                As they know things will only ever get better

Ok, so I haven't written anything that rhymes since my angst younger phases, but I just wanted to tell a story of someone I know and her daughter. I found out this week that both have suffered some ups and downs in the medical field and honestly I would never “think” to know it by interacting with them. Though this person would like to stay anonymous, I would just like to ask that you all keep in your prayers Tank as it turns out she has had a tumor  in her head (situated over/on-top half her brain)! This has been present since she was just a teen which just the icing to her “Murphy’s law” nature. Tanks daughter has had the muscle surrounding her spine removed, but you would never know it as she is a ROCKSTAR in sports. Though charting shows nothing cancerous in the tumor, it does cause side effects (due to location and size) with the most notable being extreme migraines. This may sound presumptuous, but I believe God can do ANYTHING, so I would like (if you do pray), to pray for it to be removed completely. The God I know has made the blind see, brought dead men back to life and parted the waters of a sea, so what task is this to Him, if we should all stand in faith?  I did just want to note before ending that it is very true about Tank trusting in God for everything. Her stance is that she has been given this lot because God KNEW she could handle it and for that Tank, I commend you.

“Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” James 5:14-16

Dear Heavenly Father, We come to you today to first and foremost Thank You for speaking us into being. Thank you for giving us life and calling us to be one of Your own. We ask for healing Father today, healing for Tank, healing for the nation, healing for this world. Though we know that things will not be settled (truly) until Your son returns and the deceiver is dethroned, we do know that You are still alive and working for the good of Your kingdom and Your people. May we join together as one under You, not divided by our man-made rules and regulations, preferences and justifications. We praise You Father, give constant thanks to Your son Jesus Christ and may we cling to the Holy Spirit. May we delight in Your ways Father and in turn You delight in ours, as they are one and the same. In the name of Your son, Jesus Christ ><>

SiC <3

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful I love it, Thank you My Dear Friend, and Thank God for my story to be shared and for his love and support. And I thank him for having you as a friend! Love and Hugs- Always- Tank :)

    FYI They call me Tank because I am the baby sister of four brothers, even though I was little they would tell our parents I was a "Tank" to convince them they weren't playing too rough cause Tank could take it! LOL The name has stuck to this day.
