
WaxNotNeeded - My Trifold (Equals) L.T.F

On a personal note I just got back from a 3 day trip from visiting my momma. I simply love those times, because it is as if when I return back I have gone on my own mini retreat/revival of sorts. Henceforth, why I so pray *so much* that the government works in our favor when we look into moving her to my current state later this year. Special prayer for all those who were in the wake of the tornados and bad weather this week, my heart goes out to all those who lost a loved one or their home. If any one who reads this was affected or know someone who was, please let me know. I would love to pray on a personal level!

One of the many conversation my mother and I shared this visit was about Billy Graham and his ministry. It seems his name was brought up because some group is trying to remove 30 verses from the Bible to make it more “friendly” to those of different faiths. Admittedly, I do not know the details, nor have I tried to Google, just giving a baseline. She spoke on how that through the years (she is 67), she has watched how Rev. Graham and his message has never changed – it has always been about salvation. Where-as some preachers today, claiming to be “true”, denote that there are other ways to get to heaven besides through Christ (aka being born again, saved, or whatever you’d like to call it – more information on that can be found under Death to Life).   

Of course, this made me respond back with my views on my own (well God’s) ministry that I am a part of. Primarily, it is *LOVE* - to show love, to live love, to except love of others and all the rest, this would be the basis for the outreach (to love as Christ loved us). However, two very common themes I denote (which may be more evident in the book to be published) is about the Trinity and forgiveness. The masses say speak on what you know, right? So, that is what I do. Love is not an uncommon theme spoken by many people, where as they are Christian or not (as reminded by my momma), so I can see the importance of balancing it out with other biblical truths and teachings. Henceforth, I guess why God has led me to do a homeless ministry and devotionals. It is amazing to me to see how all the kingdom of God (His children) inevitably do work together for His good. As we are told in 1Corinthians 3:5-9, some are meant to prepare, some sow, some water and some harvest. Amen for not having to do it all on your own, right? I mean, I like to multi-task, but rather share this responsibility with the family (heehee). 

So to wrap this all up I just wanted to share these verses from Romans ->

You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:6-8

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.” Romans 8:28-30

Dear Heavenly Father – Thank You humbly for giving us each another day. We thank you for each step you grant us to walk and each breathe you allow us to breathe. May we use those steps to honor and glorify You alone. May we daily dedicate our life to You and Your will. May You strengthen Your spirit within us and engulf us with Your love. Thank You so much Jesus for taking our shame upon the cross with You and giving us new life, should we chose to accept it, as You had new life when You rose from the grave. May we be mindful of what we say and do as we go through-out our day, thinking first of You – then of others, and then ourselves. In the name of Your son, ><>

The lyrics to the song below, can be found here. I cannot wait until the (new) album is out later this month! If you would like to preorder, they have packages available on their site

SiC <3 

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