
*LoveIs* - 4.15.12

First and foremost THANK YOU GOD for holding off and allowing that huge, grey rain cloud to pass while the gathering was taking place.

Pastor Oscar, spoke on faith, which was a very welcomed message. As rumor had gotten around that I was the teacher for the Resurrection service last week (while Brother Jimmy and Brother Dewey were away), I was asked by Brother Jimmy to speak some this morning and shared the devotional posted earlier today (in a variant). For both times thus far that I have been given the honor to speak, this classroom-eqsue open forum has broken out, which brings so much delight to my Spirit.  So praise be to God for that! Though I have written devotionals for years now, speaking in/to groups has never been my desire, so it is by God alone that I am now a preceptor in a “Sunday school on the streets”.

Lastly, thanks to everyone who has helped out with this ministry, in any way, where-as by donation of items, donation of foods, sharing of natural talents (cooking), prayer, etc. Through the past year I have come to the very true knowledge that some people straight up have hatred for those that are homeless, and though I likewise know it is not everyone’s calling to play a hands on role, your support to them by supporting me, means so much all around! It’s amazing to me now that God led to title the ministry *LoveIs* as with each passing week, I learn more and more why so, within myself and with those that attend the gathering in Little 5 Point. Tt is something I pray I never stop learning the meaning of!

SiC <3 

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