
WaxNotNeeded - W.D.J.D

So the stage has been set ….

One day long ago someone (or more than one someone) hurt you and while you have in your heart have sincerely forgive said people(s), to be around them is not your first idea of fun. Yet, a circumstance has presented itself where-as the aforementioned are linked to a happening of some significance and your presence is required. What perchance do you do? Well, if you are like me, initially you may have an emotional panic attack, retorting inwardly (or to a confidant) that your appearance should be requested, not demanded – that you are an adult now and don’t have to take orders from no [bleep] one except God, all the while you see-saw in your head-space about how unfair the whole situation is. Yet, then you realize exactly what thoughts are going through your head. Valid, very valid … no one can make you do anything you wish not to do, so what will you do?

 You, if like me, proceed to carry forth as with this crossroad as with all decisions in your life (or at least you try to) and you talk it over with God. It never will cease to amaze me how speaking to God eases one being, communing with the Father, the creator of all things truly does bring things into perspective.

So you ask yourself, not what would Jesus do, but what DID Jesus do …
Jesus, the Son of God, taught, traveled and ate with, even washed the feet of, the man who was set to betray Him and hand Him over to be crucified. Jesus never showed anything but love to Judas.  

Ouch, conviction eh?

So now you may be saying to yourself, He is the Son of God though, how can I even begin to do the same? (As this part was given to me after my own revelation of the above from wise counsel), by means just as Paul wrote about his when referring to his “thorn of the flesh” that God would not remove.

And He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. 2 Corinthians 12:9

So what does this mean? It means that the GRACE of the Almighty is ALL that is NEEDED for ANY and EVERYTHING we must encounter, that means sickness, broken hearts, imprisonment, showing compassion to those that have wronged us, etc … 

We have all read the verses, now we must just start living the word – we must have faith that what we read, speak and teach is true. We have been called to be a light unto a broken world (which is on a rapid spiral down into the uttermost pits of decay).

Do not lose heart though friend, family member in the kingdom of Jesus Christ – should there be a time (or times) in which you stumble; we are all works in progress in this lifetime!

Dear Heavenly Father – We thank You so very much for giving us Your word, for allowing us to hear and read the stories of the saints that have gone before us. For allowing us so much knowledge into who You are and who You want us to be. Allow us to grow stronger in You Lord. Allow us to rid ourselves of any malice we have toward other people and show everyone the same love in which You have shown us. In the name of the Perfect One, Jesus Christ, ><>

SiC <3

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