
*LoveIs* - 6.17.12

Happy Fathers Day to all the dads out there and to the FATHER OF ALL!

I totally understand the LOL factor of posting a week after I made mention of less updates, but any who some things must be noted.

#1 God is awesome, past + present & future. If you let Him, He will truly change your life and allow your life to in turn change that of those around you. He literally will put you in AWE mode. All glory to God.
#2 First talks were had today with people interested in volunteering at possibly an additional location on another day of the weekend (yay expansions)!
#3 Upcoming contest at From The Guest Room blog  for a *LoveIs* t-shirt.
#4 A nice young lady dropped off some fruits today in the square, as such I was given an apple for being “the teacher”, but since I just saw Snow White & The Huntsmen last night I can’t bring myself to eat it. ;) 

SiC <3

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