
WaxNotNeeded - A Singular Lyrical Abstraction

We fight, because of love for one that's behind us

Have you ever been told that you must pay attention to the surrounding sentences to get the context?

Well...  this is a lyric from Fall, Goliath, Fall by Project 86 that is about to get expanded upon in a few key directions, because it rocks on its own accord (and in addition with all that surround it in this terrific, battle cry tune).

1.   John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

The Creator of all things loved us so much that He sent His ONLY Son to live, die and be resurrected on the behalf of all those who will choose Him.

2.   Romans 5:8 “But God demonstrated His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

The Son of the Creator of the world loved us so much that He lived, died and was resurrected on OUR BEHALF even though we were (and continue to be) imperfect little beings who couldn’t get (and still can’t) get their stuff together aka living as commanded of us.

3.   1 Corinthians 3:16 “Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that
      God’s Spirit
lives within you?”               

      2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old
      has gone, the 
new has come!”

      The same Spirit which was present in point 1 and 2 (as for believers) is no longer an
 factor, but One that resides within our very being! The same love that 

      allowed a Father to sacrifice His son for His human creation, the same love that
      allowed a Holy Son to be brought
 down and be sacrificed for His father’s 

      fallen creation, is the same love which beckons within us to die to our earthly
      wills and 

[So] Sing it | Believe it |Live it |Repeat it
We fight, because of love for one that's behind us
(Gosh I really do so enjoy great, God tunes music)

Dear Heavenly Father, We thank You for that which is wrote about above and in Your word, Your love of Your Creation, by even counting us special enough to BE created. You didn’t need humanity, but You desired a family that accepted You in accordance to their free will for what You are, THE TRUTH. We ask that You give us wisdom for the time to come, that your strengthen the family of believers now, so that they might not be fooled, shaken or dismayed, by what is destined to happen. Prepare our hearts and minds, may we crave to read Your word and crave to share it with others. We pray humbly in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, Amen.

SiC ♥


Guest Post - Fan The Right Flame by Gina B

This guest post is brought by a dear friend of mine, Gina B aka my dollface. She is a treasured sister in Christ to me (as well as too many others) and a wonderful daughter to the King. You can check out more of her writing on her Wordpress blog, Where Can I Run from Your Love - Psalm 139.
Throughout the seasons in our lives, we tend to allow ourselves to be consumed by things. These things that consume us are of a wide variety. Our mind can be the root cause of wildfires that lead to devastation  One destructive thought, if not quarantined, will engulf the entire mind. The thoughts that should be controlled are not fruits of the Spirit. Dangerous thought patterns can consist of bitterness, anger, unforgiveness & jealousy. If not surrendered to God, these will eventually manifest into speech and seep into our speech & behavior.

“And the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness. The tongue is set among our members, staining the whole body, setting on fire the entire course of life, and set on fire by hell.” (James 3:6)

Our speech can set the tone for entire walk through this life, so we must be sure that we are not leaving fires burning on the sides of the road. Not only can it lead to burnt bridges, but it can block and hinder the work of God in our lives.  He cannot enter in when there is a wall of fire.

Instead, He guides in His word as to what kind of fire we should be kindling:
“For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through laying on of my hands, for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” (2 Timothy 1:6)

The question we should be asking ourselves daily is what are we being consumed by? What is our driving force?

Allow God to be the Fire that consumes you…extuingish any fires other than Him. Welcome & invite Him to consume you and let Him fan into flame His perfect will into your fire.

Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thu  let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe,  for our God is a consuming fire.” – (Hebrews 12:28)

“…for love is strong as death, jealousy is fierce as the grave. Its flashes are flashes of fire, the very flame of the Lord. Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it.” – (Song of Solomon 8:6)


Project 86 - Wait For The Siren Giveaway

 WIN IT BEFORE YOU CAN BUY IT, as the next installment of the AWESOMENESS that is 
Project 86 is being released on 8/21 with WAIT FOR THE SIREN

This is for anyone and everyone  who perhaps might have missed out or wasn't able to do the Project 86 Kickstarter campaign, anyone who is new the family a la TEAM BLACK or even if you are just trying to save some cash money in this lackluster economy days. 


WaxNotNeeded - The Wall Came Tumbling Down

!Happy Sunday Everyone! 
(or happy –insert whatever day you are reading this-)

In thanks to the prompting of a Veggie Tales story, I found myself taking a gander at a place I haven’t been in a while [aka the Old Testament]. Of course there are a few verses, here and there, and everyone loves the Proverbs and the Psalms, but sure before the free salvation offered through Jesus Christ came, things were a bit different, so yes the old testament can seem a bit “rough” at times. However, it is in the roughness we find how God really can move!

What am I on about you ask? Well, let me share a little story of truth and awesomeness with you.
So Joshua led the Israelites after Moses died (Moses wasn’t allowed to see the Promised Land because he disobeyed God and hit the rock more times than God said, so unfortunately he had to pass on before they made it there  - no fear though He is rocking it in heaven). The first place they came upon was Jericho (as you read Joshua you learn that God gave them many kingdoms aside from this initial one), however this land, which God had given to His Chosen People, just so happened to be within and in a stone wall casing. Of chose the people of Jericho weren’t just going to hand over their city, so what where the Israelites to do?  Well, Joshua asked and God answered in the form of a heavenly messenger.

Very specific instructions were given to the whom, the line order and such, but to sum up for 7 days the Israelites where to go around the city, on the 7th day they were to go around the city 7 times and during the last go around sound your trumpets and when you hear that everyone yell and the city shall be yours.  It sounds a little too good to be true right? It wasn’t, Joshua and the Israelites did has God had commanded and the walls came tumbling on down. The city was theirs for the taking. By taking however, God had strict rules over this. Everything was to be burn (Less Rahab and her family to protecting the spies), the silver and gold was to be collected and put in the house of the Lord.

However, this is not exactly where the story ends. You see, although God had brought the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, parted the red sea before their very eyes, provided them manna from the heavens to eat during their years of wandering the desert (in an estimated like 7 mile radius because they kept disobey God) and though they had all just seem a miraculous task done, someone disobeyed God and stole some of the precious metals for their own. Alas, when this was discovered (through the Israelites being beaten by a smaller army when they went to take over the next “kingdom” and Joshua petitioning of the reason to God) the man and his entire family was stoned and burned to death.

Points of reference:
God can do anything, He will perform great miracles for You in order for His kingdom to be glorified.
Even if what God tells you to do sounds a little crazy, pay no attention He knows what He is doing.

Do not disobey God, though we have the free redemption through Jesus Christ (aka can you imagine in this day and age if you had to slaughter a firstborn lamb for all your sins?), that does not give us a license to act as we will. This wrath that is shown here is likened to that which will be for those who do not accept Jesus as savior. We preach that God is a God of love, and this is true, but there will come a time, where-as God’s wrath will be poured out and the One who came and died for us will hand out judgments.

Dear Heavenly Father, We thank You for giving us Your holy word as instruction, as a guide in which we might read – meditate upon and share with others, so we might have a better understanding of You, Your will and what this all is about. Though not everyone believes in You, we know the truth, that there are one of two places that each man will end up at, heaven or hell. We pray for everyone, from our loved ones to the people we do not know, that they one day embrace the truth of Salvation. Mend our broken hearts, broken bodies, broken minds and fill us with a peace that only You can provide. In the name of Your son, Jesus Christ, we pray, Amen. 



A Bullet for Pretty Boy "Symbiosis" Giveaway!

Enter to win an iTunes copy of the latest album from 
A Bullet for Pretty Boy “Symbiosis” available now (released 7/31)!

Congrats Richard J!