
WaxNotNeeded - Well then [book of] Isaiah

As a previous post mentioned I am reading through the Old Testament at the moment (will parts of it). The journey started with Jeremiah – moved on to Daniel and it now currently in Isaiah. All I can say about this book is WOW, GOD DON’T PLAY!

Honestly, when I was in my early twenties I simply logged for this “all to end”, I was not unhappy on this Earth, but the idea of it being over and getting to chill with the Creator seemed (and still does seem) much more appealing. However, as I near my 30’s and since my outlook on the lost has changed, I am more considered with those that are blind to the truth and after reading Isaiah 24 – I am just well “whew”.

I know that not “everyone” will be saved, I know that to be truth, but my hope still remains that EVERYONE is, especially all of my friends and my family. I am very well versed in Revelations and as I am reading the Old Testament (which is my opinion is a lot more descriptive and illustrative than one of my most beloved books) I wish for no one to suffer that fate.

We (the collective church) preaches SO MUCH on God’s love and forgiveness, which are both VERY well and VERY good and VERY true, but I cannot help but wonder, do we preach the truth on the devastation of here-after enough? Do we go into specifics, not just as “you will go to Hell” but actually what all that the separation from the Creator entails?

I will depart with this, a personal from Little 5 Points and I had a conversation a few weeks ago. He said to me, “I wonder how many of us are murders?” I, very intrigued by where this was going was glad he continued on to explain. “Not in the physical sense, but rather in the Spiritual. How many of us has killed someone, by not sharing the gospel [listening to the Holy Spirit when He tells us to talk], so they die without have accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior?” Wow is what I said then, and wow is what I still say now.

To God be the glory for ALL things; may we rejoice in His peace, presence and gifts that He has given us from life to salvation to death.  We thank You Father, Son and Spirit for all things – that which we know of and that which we don’t. May You strength us, may we cling to Your will, may we choose Your way instead of own on, in the name of Jesus we ask. Amen. 


Abandon - Control [Expanded Ed] Giveaway

Ok, so I honestly tried to not do an Abandon giveaway, just because I am a super newbie fan and I figure everyone probably has the album [Control Expanded Edition] already, but IN CASE YOU DON’T this raffle is for you! Likewise, if you want to share their tunes with friends, when you receive the email asking the appropriate email address for prize delivery, give me theirs instead!

In case you are unaware of whom exactly Abandon is … they pinned down this awesome track, along with MANY others!


WaxNotNeeded - 11/11/12

For those that know me personally or even have taken a gander at this blog, they know that I have a heart for helping the homeless with a soft spot for those who are sexually exploited. One thing, many people may not know, as it has never been discussed at the “round table”, but more so remained silent with my prayers if for persecuted Christians.

We, in the US (and a few other places), have the liberty of true freedom of religious expression. While although in America this is turning to being able to express all other beliefs except Christianity … however, I digress as there are other lands in which to speak out Christ, to own a Bible, etc. is punishable by death, lifelong imprisonment, etc. We know nothing of this here (in the states).

Yet though thanks to the Voice Of The Martyrs we are able to stay somewhat abreast of the happenings in other parts of the world (as well as I am sure other organizations), and with their efforts reach the people in these countries, to provide help and support, as well as, continue to spread the message of truth, that is Jesus Christ.  To read the stories of these men and women who have been tortured, imprisoned and just well, disregarded for their faith is humbling and inspiring.

On 11/11/12 an effort is being put forth called International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, would you all please take part in it and urge others to join?  

“If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.  If they persecuted me, they will persecute you.” John 15:18-20 NIV

Please note other organizations are holding IDOP on 11/4/12 – but honestly, it should be a part of every believers prayer, every day! 


*LoveIs* - Sharing Is Caring

This person (who is a very dear friend of mine, though I will keep anonymous for sake of content) would be considered not in the best position (financially) themselves. They are like many people in this age who live paycheck to paycheck (or less than) with revolving credit and consistent bills, however this person put all of that aside and helped another person in need. It put a smile to my face last night as it will continue to do so. Especially the hug part, HUG BANDITS UNITE!

Do you have a story of LOVE to share? Have you helped someone or have you have in turn been helped out and want to say thank you? Please send it along! 


WaxNotNeeded - Jeremiah was NOT a bullfrog

Do you all remember that song from Sunday school? It was quite the catchy little ditty for sure!

 Over the past week I have read all of the 52 chapters in their glory of Jeremiah. To sum up the book, Jeremiah was a great spokesman for the Lord, who over and over and over warned the people to turn away from their ways and acknowledge God or lest there be trouble, over and over there was trouble, because the people did not listen.

Since that is pretty much the shortest way I can relay the entire book in a “devotional” format, I would like to share with you some of the scriptures that I highlighted through-out my study (or reference to the verses, if verses are super long). All the while, I urge each person to read the book on its own – my conclusion is that I am ever so grateful for Jesus baring the shame for me, abolishing the laws and setting forth a new covenant between Creator and creation. 

May you all have a blessed week, living in the Spirit and being an example of the grace we know so well.