
WaxNotNeeded - Jeremiah was NOT a bullfrog

Do you all remember that song from Sunday school? It was quite the catchy little ditty for sure!

 Over the past week I have read all of the 52 chapters in their glory of Jeremiah. To sum up the book, Jeremiah was a great spokesman for the Lord, who over and over and over warned the people to turn away from their ways and acknowledge God or lest there be trouble, over and over there was trouble, because the people did not listen.

Since that is pretty much the shortest way I can relay the entire book in a “devotional” format, I would like to share with you some of the scriptures that I highlighted through-out my study (or reference to the verses, if verses are super long). All the while, I urge each person to read the book on its own – my conclusion is that I am ever so grateful for Jesus baring the shame for me, abolishing the laws and setting forth a new covenant between Creator and creation. 

May you all have a blessed week, living in the Spirit and being an example of the grace we know so well.

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