
Blog on Break

Perhaps sabbatical is a more applicable term for what is going on; nevertheless of what you call it I will be taking a leave from the blog (ministry updates, blog postings, contests, etc).  

What perchance will I be doing? Well to be honest (as trite as it may sound) I am going to complete the 31 days as laid out in the book (hits shelves in roughly 90 days, online sooner). Although yes, I did write it, I have never carried it out as it has been set forth (so how can I really promote it with a clear conscious?). For me, some of the things I feel (or have been feeling) the past few weeks/days I know are in there, and as it was originally compiled when I was going through various circumstances/feelings, I have confidence that it will provide the same benefit again. I might be the only one who goes on repeat mode sometimes, but alas as with patience, some lessons just take a bit of time to grasp 100% (though I think I will be working on patience until I die). ;) In addition, I have an extended vacay planned for me to spend (some much needed quality time) with my momma during Thanksgiving and I will be focusing on the December holiday efforts for the weekly ministry and Christmas Possible 2012.

May you each have a wonderful Holiday season (as I will probably resume at the start of 2013 – wow where did this year go), so MERRY CHRISTMAS (don’t forget the reason for the season!) to you all and all your loved ones.  Feel free to find my on one of the social media sites above and I look forward to  coming back refreshed, rejuvenated and even perhaps with an array of new and helpful devotionals lined up and ready to share in the New Year. 

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