
31 Days of Kindness

One small act of kindness can change a person’s life forever.

Happy (almost) New Year Everyone! I must say I am glad to be back writing, while the time off was lovely (more updates on that later), I am excited to be back sharing some written words.

To start off this New Year I wanted to ask you all to join me in 31 Days of Kindness, just one simple action each day, that will help others (along with yourself), start off to a great 2013. Of course if you are reading this mid-January or another month, by no means let that stop you, kindness is a currency that will never lose its fair-market value. Due to availability/cost/location it is offered as a “31 actions” rather than day specific, so you can complete as you can. Likewise, if some days are unable to completed, completely understandable; no hard and fast rules, feel free to replace with your own “act of kindness” or even repeat a few days, after all we are just living out some love that has been shown to us by the Grace of the Trinity! The only real rule is to keep showing *extra* kindness each day for 31 days.

I’d be remiss if I did not give props to one of my besties, Dalia, for first bringing this idea to me. She has asked me of some ideas before of what she could do and now a few months later I just wanted to put something together and embark a group journey with us all, not to mention what I great way to celebrate my BIRTHDAY MONTH (yes, I will be turning the big 2-9 on the 18th). If you feel led share your experience of this just email me [HollieMarie(at)ShadesofSunshine(dot)com] and above all simply enjoy the awesomeness of being a helping hand to others!

One: Compliment A Stranger (Wholeheartedly, even more than one if possible) 
Two: Open/Hold The Door For (at least) 5 People (Not all ladies, gentleman like this treat too)
Three: Leave A Co-Worker (Or Neighbor) An Anonymous Note Of Gratitude
Four: Buy Someone A Cup Of Coffee, Tea Or Soda
Five: Let Someone Go In Line In Front Of You At The Store
Six: Box Up Some Items and Give Them Away  (Store/organization, family in need, random stranger – your choice)
Seven:  Leave Change At A Vending Machine
Eight: Befriend Some Kids (Wave, joke, say hi, give ‘em a balloon, stickers, etc)
Nine: Write A Note Of Appreciation Or Give A Gift To Your Mailman
Ten: Sincerely Forgive Someone and/or Pray For An “Enemy’s” Wellbeing
Eleven: Volunteer or Schedule To Volunteer At An Organization Of Your Choice
Twelve: Send Someone In Service A Letter (If you don’t know one, check out http://www.anysoldier.com/  - go to your particular branch and click “where to send”)
Thirteen: Hug Peoples (As many as you can, friends, family or strangers .. FREE HUGS FOR ALL)
Fourteen: Hand Out (or Place On Cars) Verse Cards / You Are Special Cards / Stickers, Etc
Fifteen: Leave Some Quarters At The Laundry Mat
Sixteen: Help Someone Carry Their Groceries or Trash
Seventeen: Take Someone To Lunch / Cook Someone A Meal
Eighteen: Hand Out Food or Necessity Bags To Homeless
Nineteen: Thank All The Cashiers, Food Servers, etc You Come Across For Doing What They Do
Twenty: Extend Your Help To Someone(s), Ask Around and Fulfill A Need
Twenty One: Treat Someone To Sweets (Leave Some Candy for a Co-worker, Neighbor, etc)
Twenty Two: Send An Appreciation Letter or Gift To A Civil Service Organization  (Fireman, Police, etc)
Twenty Three: Pass Along A Book (You Love) To Someone Who Would Enjoy It
Twenty Four:  Be A Courteous Driver (Let people merge, cut in, etc ..)
Twenty Five: Tip Someone VERY Well
Twenty Six: Pick Up Trash (See some litter, pick it up!)
Twenty Seven: Hand Out or Leave (strategically placed) Bibles (Dollar Tree now carries them)
Twenty Eight: Donate Canned Food Items To A Local Food Bank
Twenty Nine: Give A Gift To or Visit A Nursing Home
Thirty:  Give Some Gas (Cash at pump, gift card, etc - a little bit goes a long way)
Thirty-One: Buy A Stranger A Meal (Drive Thru – Drop a gift card at a table in a restaurant – etc)


"But God demonstrated His own love for us; While we were sinners Christ died for us!" Romans 5:8


Blog on Break

Perhaps sabbatical is a more applicable term for what is going on; nevertheless of what you call it I will be taking a leave from the blog (ministry updates, blog postings, contests, etc).  

What perchance will I be doing? Well to be honest (as trite as it may sound) I am going to complete the 31 days as laid out in the book (hits shelves in roughly 90 days, online sooner). Although yes, I did write it, I have never carried it out as it has been set forth (so how can I really promote it with a clear conscious?). For me, some of the things I feel (or have been feeling) the past few weeks/days I know are in there, and as it was originally compiled when I was going through various circumstances/feelings, I have confidence that it will provide the same benefit again. I might be the only one who goes on repeat mode sometimes, but alas as with patience, some lessons just take a bit of time to grasp 100% (though I think I will be working on patience until I die). ;) In addition, I have an extended vacay planned for me to spend (some much needed quality time) with my momma during Thanksgiving and I will be focusing on the December holiday efforts for the weekly ministry and Christmas Possible 2012.

May you each have a wonderful Holiday season (as I will probably resume at the start of 2013 – wow where did this year go), so MERRY CHRISTMAS (don’t forget the reason for the season!) to you all and all your loved ones.  Feel free to find my on one of the social media sites above and I look forward to  coming back refreshed, rejuvenated and even perhaps with an array of new and helpful devotionals lined up and ready to share in the New Year. 


31 Rays of Hope - It Has Begun ...

A few of you may know, some may not be aware, but for the past year I have been working on putting together a devotional book for publish which has come to be titled "31 Rays of Hope". We have now reached the final phase of the process in which the book is being printed and marketing (gah) is coming about. 

Stay tuned for details on how you can purchase the book and book signing events =D


WaxNotNeeded - Stuck On Stupid

In what seems to be, at the time of it happening, an almost crippling blow to my psyche  (perhaps I am the only one), I have been known to (on occasion) not pick the right choice when it comes to a pitfall area. Of course, this could be a thought-process, an action or just a simple phrase, but it is sort of “thorn in the side” that we all carry with us (something we struggle/have struggled with in our lives or a pattern per say).

So I feel a bit stick on stupid when I realize what I allowed to play out. Something I may have had “under control” (with God’s help) for months or even years, but a situation presents itself, if which a part of me (perhaps even realizing it) says “let’s just see where this goes”. Of course with all choices, there is always an after effect. It may be nothing tangible, just something that sticks in your memory bank, but nonetheless are we not glad that God’s mercies renew every morning (Lamentations 3:23) and that we know – that He knows – we are not perfect (Romans 3:23)?

I am.

Likewise, I am grateful that He is always apt to forgive us (1 John 1:9) and very much thankful for the correction and help with the Holy Spirit (John 14:26). You see, over the past few months I have really began to understand how God’s ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8), and what is labeled as “right vs wrong” in society does not always line up with “right vs wrong” in God’s eyes (Ephesians 6:12). So it is important to look toward Him for the answers, rather than the people around you.

This world would have you believe that some people are more deserving than others, that those who have the most wealth are the better man/woman, that you should seek to cast out those who are in need of help (various forms), that you should look out solely for yourself and  a host of other things. However, each of the ones mentioned here are directly in contradiction to what the Bible says.

Jesus himself was an outcast, labeled from some as a loon, who sought to break down on all of the barriers of class within society walls, who sought and wanted nothing more than to please His [the] Father and share the message of truth to all those who would listen.

So in the same token of being stuck on stupid to your own devices, don’t be stuck on the stupid of this world aka Satan’s playground. Regardless of where you were born, how you were raised or what you have done/experienced that may make you feel like some sort of rag-a-muffin, you were created with a divine purpose by God Almighty and He wants nothing more than to see you accomplish what you are meant to.  

As I have said it before and won’t quit saying it, we are all beautiful, special and loved.

One day this world … all of our trials/pain … we won’t even remember, so may we each do our part sharing the TRUTH, so that we might all be together in eternity, peaceful + pleasant and praising the King.   

“Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth, ”for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.  And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”
Revelations 21:1-4

Now, I'd like you to check out this track, a musical melody that just radiates this message in a personal way we can all appreciate/relate to. Try to listen and not feel a little tug-tug on your heart strings (aka it's not possible), ONE CREATION:ONE FAMILY:ONE LOVE! 


Christmas Possible: 2012

So I just realized that I haven't officially posted anything about the current initiative on here yet, so that just had to be changed! Some of you (who are on my twitter, fb or tumblr) may be like "why are you talking about it so much?" To that I reply, because the thought of being able to help 25 Atlanta homeless youth have the BEST CHRISTMAS YET just makes me all sort of giddy (as it should to you as well) and everyone deserves to feel loved (especially on Christmas).

All of the details are listed here at the fundraiser page, and props to Youcaring for being free of charge! Some of the updates so far is that Publix is going to help out with the food (specifics unknown at the moment) and the first gift (a remote control car that can go on the ceiling) has been donated.

Trust me, I know, it is a ROUGH economy that we are living in, but if you could please find it in your heart to donate $1, $5 or even $25 it would be very much appreciated. So often we take for granted the things that we have .. whether it be a warm bed, food on the table, having a car or even a variety of clothes to wear, but this people have known a life without ANY of that at one point of the other. Likewise, please share this with your friends! We are all a community (a family) and the more the merrier I say. However, if you are unable to donate, then I do understand, please keep this in your thoughts and prayers.

All donations are to be received by December 5th, so as of today (11/1/12) we have 33 days and counting down!


WaxNotNeeded - Well then [book of] Isaiah

As a previous post mentioned I am reading through the Old Testament at the moment (will parts of it). The journey started with Jeremiah – moved on to Daniel and it now currently in Isaiah. All I can say about this book is WOW, GOD DON’T PLAY!

Honestly, when I was in my early twenties I simply logged for this “all to end”, I was not unhappy on this Earth, but the idea of it being over and getting to chill with the Creator seemed (and still does seem) much more appealing. However, as I near my 30’s and since my outlook on the lost has changed, I am more considered with those that are blind to the truth and after reading Isaiah 24 – I am just well “whew”.

I know that not “everyone” will be saved, I know that to be truth, but my hope still remains that EVERYONE is, especially all of my friends and my family. I am very well versed in Revelations and as I am reading the Old Testament (which is my opinion is a lot more descriptive and illustrative than one of my most beloved books) I wish for no one to suffer that fate.

We (the collective church) preaches SO MUCH on God’s love and forgiveness, which are both VERY well and VERY good and VERY true, but I cannot help but wonder, do we preach the truth on the devastation of here-after enough? Do we go into specifics, not just as “you will go to Hell” but actually what all that the separation from the Creator entails?

I will depart with this, a personal from Little 5 Points and I had a conversation a few weeks ago. He said to me, “I wonder how many of us are murders?” I, very intrigued by where this was going was glad he continued on to explain. “Not in the physical sense, but rather in the Spiritual. How many of us has killed someone, by not sharing the gospel [listening to the Holy Spirit when He tells us to talk], so they die without have accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior?” Wow is what I said then, and wow is what I still say now.

To God be the glory for ALL things; may we rejoice in His peace, presence and gifts that He has given us from life to salvation to death.  We thank You Father, Son and Spirit for all things – that which we know of and that which we don’t. May You strength us, may we cling to Your will, may we choose Your way instead of own on, in the name of Jesus we ask. Amen. 


Abandon - Control [Expanded Ed] Giveaway

Ok, so I honestly tried to not do an Abandon giveaway, just because I am a super newbie fan and I figure everyone probably has the album [Control Expanded Edition] already, but IN CASE YOU DON’T this raffle is for you! Likewise, if you want to share their tunes with friends, when you receive the email asking the appropriate email address for prize delivery, give me theirs instead!

In case you are unaware of whom exactly Abandon is … they pinned down this awesome track, along with MANY others!


WaxNotNeeded - 11/11/12

For those that know me personally or even have taken a gander at this blog, they know that I have a heart for helping the homeless with a soft spot for those who are sexually exploited. One thing, many people may not know, as it has never been discussed at the “round table”, but more so remained silent with my prayers if for persecuted Christians.

We, in the US (and a few other places), have the liberty of true freedom of religious expression. While although in America this is turning to being able to express all other beliefs except Christianity … however, I digress as there are other lands in which to speak out Christ, to own a Bible, etc. is punishable by death, lifelong imprisonment, etc. We know nothing of this here (in the states).

Yet though thanks to the Voice Of The Martyrs we are able to stay somewhat abreast of the happenings in other parts of the world (as well as I am sure other organizations), and with their efforts reach the people in these countries, to provide help and support, as well as, continue to spread the message of truth, that is Jesus Christ.  To read the stories of these men and women who have been tortured, imprisoned and just well, disregarded for their faith is humbling and inspiring.

On 11/11/12 an effort is being put forth called International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, would you all please take part in it and urge others to join?  

“If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.  If they persecuted me, they will persecute you.” John 15:18-20 NIV

Please note other organizations are holding IDOP on 11/4/12 – but honestly, it should be a part of every believers prayer, every day! 


*LoveIs* - Sharing Is Caring

This person (who is a very dear friend of mine, though I will keep anonymous for sake of content) would be considered not in the best position (financially) themselves. They are like many people in this age who live paycheck to paycheck (or less than) with revolving credit and consistent bills, however this person put all of that aside and helped another person in need. It put a smile to my face last night as it will continue to do so. Especially the hug part, HUG BANDITS UNITE!

Do you have a story of LOVE to share? Have you helped someone or have you have in turn been helped out and want to say thank you? Please send it along! 


WaxNotNeeded - Jeremiah was NOT a bullfrog

Do you all remember that song from Sunday school? It was quite the catchy little ditty for sure!

 Over the past week I have read all of the 52 chapters in their glory of Jeremiah. To sum up the book, Jeremiah was a great spokesman for the Lord, who over and over and over warned the people to turn away from their ways and acknowledge God or lest there be trouble, over and over there was trouble, because the people did not listen.

Since that is pretty much the shortest way I can relay the entire book in a “devotional” format, I would like to share with you some of the scriptures that I highlighted through-out my study (or reference to the verses, if verses are super long). All the while, I urge each person to read the book on its own – my conclusion is that I am ever so grateful for Jesus baring the shame for me, abolishing the laws and setting forth a new covenant between Creator and creation. 

May you all have a blessed week, living in the Spirit and being an example of the grace we know so well.


WaxNotNeeded - Another Music Post [Abandon Edition]

So you could be saying to yourself right now, really Hollie – don’t you think you have posted enough musically reference blogs in the past few months? Nope, I say. This year has been a GREAT YEAR of music to me, with favorite bands coming out with terrific new albums to all the bands I am just discovering. For me, music is a very key part of not only my life, but my worship to God. Considering I drive like 30% of my life and while driving I am ALWAYS listening to tunes, not to mention, the handy headphones that are plugged in perhaps half of my work day, I’d say it’s pretty important that the right stuff is going in (so in turn the right stuff can come out).

So with all of that being written, HOW ON EARTH DID I NOT KNOW ABOUT ABANDON UNTIL NOW? Yes, all caps – I am doing the pseudo computer scream, because serious – they are awesome.

I just got their album “Control-Expanded Edition” and over the past week it has been played on repeat almost nonstop, with two stand-out favorites being the ones listed below. What about their music draws me in? Well aside from the super melodic cords of awesome, the lyrics belt out truth and a calling for reformation and transformation of this generation (in time). “Live ItOut” has what will surely end up being in the top favorite 20 verses of all time for me.

We are lost and broken people
Turned our crosses into steeples
Let’s take them down and put them on our backs now
Keep your love on track now

How truthful is this folks? Seriously! I will leave the personal conviction part up to the Holy Spirit, but you cannot deny that it rings true to this generation. Likewise the overall message of the song in which is to share the truth (salvation, love, grace) that which we know. In “YourLove Goes On” and the following section comes around I cannot help but to belt it out, I mean admittedly both of this songs give me chills (not to mention to other tracks), it is hymns of old – you can feel what was meant when it was written, it applies to your life and instinctively know it applies to everyone else as well, so it has that family of believers effect, which I like.

And you would follow me a million miles
And a million times you saved my life

Whew. However, don’t take my word for it – listen to them yourself and have an experience all your own.

In conclusion, here are the most 100 searched bible verse in 2009 on BibleGateway (seriously great resource), in case you were just curious – or wanted a list perchance to start remembering (Bible Drill anyone?)

Dear Heavenly Father – We come to you today simply thankful for ALL things that you have given - from each new day, to the clothes on our back, the people in our lives, to the ability to call you Abba and call Your Son, Savior and Spirit, Helper. We look around and see a world in need, we see people that are suffering and crying out for change, yet they seem to be looking in all the wrong places. May believers be aligned to You Father and may those who do not believe come to Your saving truth. We know the sad truth that not everyone will call upon You as Messiah, and that is very disheartening, but we pray for all people one in the same. As none of us want anyone to perish and spend eternity away from Your love and grace. May we cling to You dear Lord, in the same way that You hold onto us – with an everlasting, unshakable, immeasurable love. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


Guest Post - Governed by the Holy Spirit by Gina B

Another great post by Gina, which I am delighted to share with you all now. She simply is a wonderful woman of God and it has been such a delight to watch her blossom within the almost ten years now that I have known her. Many of you enjoyed her previous piece, Fan The Right Flame, and I am sure you will be touched by this one, just as much.

(link will take you to her wordpress blog)



WaxNotNeeded - The World Is Watching

Recently I listened to a conversation from a woman who does not believe in God. She told a story of how she has (on at least one occasion) had to take issue with the school system for teaching creationism in science class. “Religion is belief and science is fact, they should not be taught one in the same”. Her story continued on with how both of her daughters were good, they knew right from wrong, and both excel in their own right academically and generally speaking they do not cause any trouble. Recently, she said, her youngest daughter (a sophomore in high school), approached her with some concern/question of her own, on the whole matter.

It seems there is a group at school called the “Christian Athletes” (something or other) and she noticed, that all of these people, who stood out to be different, where actually the ones who were getting smashed on Friday night foot ball games. With that being spoke the topic changed to more lighthearted things such as black Friday shopping, thrift store adventures and food, however almost a week later this has remained in my mind.

In 2 Corinthians 5:17 it says “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come”! To this young woman, I imagine she looks upon this group as why? Why do I need this savior you speak of, if in fact you are doing things worse than I when I know nothing of Him? Of course, as believers we know the deep rooted answer to this, but yet onlookers merely see what we have to offer by our actions and our tongue.

Though none of us are perfect, I believe we forget sometimes that we, in fact, have the world watching. Those who do not believe will in a way, judge our savior and our creator through us. This is why we are urged more than a handful of times to be set apart, to lead by and be an example. In these times, this is of the upmost importance, I am sure as you look around at the world around you, we will all agree. Let your light shine, be bold – be quick to listen to the correction of the Holy Spirit, and continuously let the One who knows all guide your way.

Dear Heavenly Father, We thank You for Your word. Thank You so much for leaving Your letter of love to us, so that we might know how to live! We thank You for Your calling of us into Your court. Help us to continuously be an example of Your love and truth to all those that we meet, to all those that we see. May Your children cling ever more closely to You, for while the world around us is rioting away, You alone are the everlasting hope! In the name of Your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen. 



WaxNotNeeded - The One You May Not Like

Whelp. I may get some flack for saying this, but I think the term “God is love” has gone into overdrive as of late, eh? Though perhaps for the wrong reason. It seems that there are some people who are now using this phrase to justify anything and everything they do, even though it is wrong. How do we know what is wrong or right? Well the Bible so graciously tells us and for all the new age stuff you can pretty much infer what is good and what is bad by exercising a little wisdom.  Not to mention, once you are saved and have accepted Jesus into your heart, a great helper called the Holy Spirit comes and takes up residence and will call you out, when you are doing this that displeases the Father.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am not judging (though it does bring upon a sad countenance to my being when I see this being used to justify sinful things), just simply getting something off my heart. Of course baring in mind that no one is perfect and we ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (aka no pedestal here). Yes, God is love, God loves us despite our sins, God loved us so much He sent His Son to live and die for us, as it says in John 3:16 “For God so loved the world He sent His only begotten son that WHOSOEVER SHALL BELIEVE in Him, shall not perish but have eternal life”, but God also brings upon/allows wrath due to disobedience. Anyone remember all the Israelites who came out of Egypt? 40 years, for 40 years they wondered around in a relatively small area due to their fallings.

However, I suppose I should not think it odd, I mean what better tool for Satan to confuse the masses with by taking this great truth and twisting it for his own desires.  It could be that this is the mantra of the subculture who believes in a “God”, but not Jesus (so really they are no better off than one who believes in nothing). Of course as I sit here and write this, wondering if I will actually have the courage to post it, a verse has come into remembrance, which sums it all up …

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!” Matthew 7:21-23 NKJV

Don’t be one of those people, don’t be the one that gets turned away! Seek truth or burn, it is as simple as that. You may be saying, “it’s hard” and I say TRUST ME I KNOW … it can be an ever present, ongoing struggle depending upon what you are facing, but it’s worth it now on earth and it will be MORE than worth it after this age is done.

Dear Heavenly Father, We thank You for creating us, sending Your Son and sending Your Spirit, our Savior and our Helper – together You are the blessed Trinity. May we be mindful of what we hear and see and what we say. May we be apt to read Your word, so we may know Your laws and Your will for our lives. May we seek the Truth, Your Truth, instead of that which seems to be as it is pleasing on the outside, but inside is full of riot and decay. We thank You for Your constant forgiveness, and we seek each day to better, in You. In the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.



*LoveIs* - 9.9.12

Whew, well it seems that it has been a minute or two since I posted under the *LoveIs* tag, but all things are still going well on the Little 5 Points and overall in life (concept) fronts. I would like to introduce Mr Mike who is a new volunteer to the Sunday mission (he himself was once on the other side of things once upon a time). We all feel very blessed with him being there and I do enjoy the way he teaches/preaches. Plus anyone who drives a blue motorcycle already gets some platinum stars in my book. ;)

Prayer requests for Brother Dewey and Brother Jimmy as it seems they are both struggling with some health things right now.

Overdue thanks to one attendee who made a little gift for me [yay for skullies and roses, woot!] Prayers for the person below, that he continues to STAY STRONG with whatever life may bring his way, for as we know each day - is a new day, and to CLING TO JESUS!

Today during the end of our time down there we received a compliment from a passerby stranger, this is "love in action", the woman said - who continued forth with saying she was personally inspired (seems God has been working on her for some time) to go out and help someone(s) in need.




SONS - Keep Quiet Giveaway

So let me start off by saying if the SONS album “Keep Quiet” was a cassette, rather than a digital download my copy would cease to be playable. So far into 2012 this is my favorite “new” band find. Their lyrics are sublime representations of the truths I write about and believe. The way they convey authentic biblical messages and current state of the world factualness is bold and elegant. Le sigh. As corny as this may be, if I was ever blessed to publicly speak on a format in which I could "bring a band along" they would be one of my requested choices. 

Here is just one of the 12 tracks on Keep Quiet, “Doubt”. Truth be told, I cannot even pick out top faves from the album, it is honestly THAT GOOD in my opinion. Of course I would be remiss if I didn't give a shout out to JesusFreakHideout who introduced me to this band via their "Artists We've Been Trying To Tell You About" compilation disc. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


WaxNotNeeded - Lyrical Interjection (Personal Conviction Ed)

It seems as if a day doesn’t go by in which a sentence doesn’t escape my lips which begins with “I can’t believe this generation”, “the generation we are in is so”, “for sure Sodom and Gomorrah had to be just like this because”, etc .. etc .. etc. There is no escaping the fact that the world we live in is getting ever more openly sinful by the second and sometimes it just makes me want to scream. Of course, as I was reminded ever so gently by my mother (while driving back from Labor day vacation), “no one is perfect, we all have flaws, we must leave the personal conviction up to God”. Understood, noted and accepted – I retorted back, but alas my repetitive vocalizations as of late would not allow the quick response to go unresolved within my mental faculties yet again. So as with a wonderful and simplistic, but caring sign I was offered a logical “next step” of my merry-go-round view of society presented by the next song that played on the radio …

I can't believe what she said

I can't believe what he did
Oh, don't they know it's wrong
Don't they know it's wrong
Well maybe there's something I missed
But how could they treat me like this
It's wearing out my heart
The way they disregard

This is love or this is hate.

We all have a choice to make

Oh, Father won't You forgive them

They don't know what they've been doin' (oh no)
Oh Father, give me grace to forgive them
Cause I feel like the one losin'

Well it's only the dead that can live

But still I wrestle with this
To lose the pain that's mine
Seventy times seven times
Cause Lord it doesn't feel right
For me to turn a blind eye
Though I guess it's not that much
When I think of what You've done.

This is love or this is hate.

We gotta a choice to make

Oh Father won't You forgive them

They don't know what they've been doin' (oh no)
Oh Father, give me grace to forgive them
Cause I feel like the one losin'

Why do we think that our hate's gonna break a hard heart

We're rippin' arms over wars that don't need to be fought
Cause pride wont let us lay our weapons on the ground
We build our bridges up but it's just to burn them down
We think our pain is own apologies and get them to stop
Well truth be told it doesn't matter if they're sorry or not
Cause freedom comes when we surrender to the sound
Of Your mercy and Your grace, Father, send Your angels down


Oh Father won't you forgive them

They don't know what they've been doin'
Oh Father, give me grace to forgive them
Cause I feel like the one losin'
I feel like I've been losing

Oh Father, give me grace to forgive them

Cause I feel like the one losin'

God is good, great and wondrous, correct? AMEN HE IS (rhetorical question).

Dear Heavenly Father – We thank You for all that You have given your children – from merely being born, to sustaining us with Your Spirit, to offering salvation through Your Son. May we keep our eyes focused on You Father God, not allowing ourselves to be consumed with the world around us, but alas being consumed BY YOU and YOUR WILL for our lives. Thank you for being patient with us Father, as though we may have read the Bible a thousand time, simple concepts elude us. We are grateful for Your earnest understanding and our humility and humbleness. In the name by the One without which there is no hope, Jesus Christ, we pray, amen.



WaxNotNeeded - A Singular Lyrical Abstraction

We fight, because of love for one that's behind us

Have you ever been told that you must pay attention to the surrounding sentences to get the context?

Well...  this is a lyric from Fall, Goliath, Fall by Project 86 that is about to get expanded upon in a few key directions, because it rocks on its own accord (and in addition with all that surround it in this terrific, battle cry tune).

1.   John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

The Creator of all things loved us so much that He sent His ONLY Son to live, die and be resurrected on the behalf of all those who will choose Him.

2.   Romans 5:8 “But God demonstrated His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

The Son of the Creator of the world loved us so much that He lived, died and was resurrected on OUR BEHALF even though we were (and continue to be) imperfect little beings who couldn’t get (and still can’t) get their stuff together aka living as commanded of us.

3.   1 Corinthians 3:16 “Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that
      God’s Spirit
lives within you?”               

      2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old
      has gone, the 
new has come!”

      The same Spirit which was present in point 1 and 2 (as for believers) is no longer an
 factor, but One that resides within our very being! The same love that 

      allowed a Father to sacrifice His son for His human creation, the same love that
      allowed a Holy Son to be brought
 down and be sacrificed for His father’s 

      fallen creation, is the same love which beckons within us to die to our earthly
      wills and 

[So] Sing it | Believe it |Live it |Repeat it
We fight, because of love for one that's behind us
(Gosh I really do so enjoy great, God tunes music)

Dear Heavenly Father, We thank You for that which is wrote about above and in Your word, Your love of Your Creation, by even counting us special enough to BE created. You didn’t need humanity, but You desired a family that accepted You in accordance to their free will for what You are, THE TRUTH. We ask that You give us wisdom for the time to come, that your strengthen the family of believers now, so that they might not be fooled, shaken or dismayed, by what is destined to happen. Prepare our hearts and minds, may we crave to read Your word and crave to share it with others. We pray humbly in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, Amen.

SiC ♥


Guest Post - Fan The Right Flame by Gina B

This guest post is brought by a dear friend of mine, Gina B aka my dollface. She is a treasured sister in Christ to me (as well as too many others) and a wonderful daughter to the King. You can check out more of her writing on her Wordpress blog, Where Can I Run from Your Love - Psalm 139.
Throughout the seasons in our lives, we tend to allow ourselves to be consumed by things. These things that consume us are of a wide variety. Our mind can be the root cause of wildfires that lead to devastation  One destructive thought, if not quarantined, will engulf the entire mind. The thoughts that should be controlled are not fruits of the Spirit. Dangerous thought patterns can consist of bitterness, anger, unforgiveness & jealousy. If not surrendered to God, these will eventually manifest into speech and seep into our speech & behavior.

“And the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness. The tongue is set among our members, staining the whole body, setting on fire the entire course of life, and set on fire by hell.” (James 3:6)

Our speech can set the tone for entire walk through this life, so we must be sure that we are not leaving fires burning on the sides of the road. Not only can it lead to burnt bridges, but it can block and hinder the work of God in our lives.  He cannot enter in when there is a wall of fire.

Instead, He guides in His word as to what kind of fire we should be kindling:
“For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through laying on of my hands, for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” (2 Timothy 1:6)

The question we should be asking ourselves daily is what are we being consumed by? What is our driving force?

Allow God to be the Fire that consumes you…extuingish any fires other than Him. Welcome & invite Him to consume you and let Him fan into flame His perfect will into your fire.

Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thu  let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe,  for our God is a consuming fire.” – (Hebrews 12:28)

“…for love is strong as death, jealousy is fierce as the grave. Its flashes are flashes of fire, the very flame of the Lord. Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it.” – (Song of Solomon 8:6)


Project 86 - Wait For The Siren Giveaway

 WIN IT BEFORE YOU CAN BUY IT, as the next installment of the AWESOMENESS that is 
Project 86 is being released on 8/21 with WAIT FOR THE SIREN

This is for anyone and everyone  who perhaps might have missed out or wasn't able to do the Project 86 Kickstarter campaign, anyone who is new the family a la TEAM BLACK or even if you are just trying to save some cash money in this lackluster economy days. 


WaxNotNeeded - The Wall Came Tumbling Down

!Happy Sunday Everyone! 
(or happy –insert whatever day you are reading this-)

In thanks to the prompting of a Veggie Tales story, I found myself taking a gander at a place I haven’t been in a while [aka the Old Testament]. Of course there are a few verses, here and there, and everyone loves the Proverbs and the Psalms, but sure before the free salvation offered through Jesus Christ came, things were a bit different, so yes the old testament can seem a bit “rough” at times. However, it is in the roughness we find how God really can move!

What am I on about you ask? Well, let me share a little story of truth and awesomeness with you.
So Joshua led the Israelites after Moses died (Moses wasn’t allowed to see the Promised Land because he disobeyed God and hit the rock more times than God said, so unfortunately he had to pass on before they made it there  - no fear though He is rocking it in heaven). The first place they came upon was Jericho (as you read Joshua you learn that God gave them many kingdoms aside from this initial one), however this land, which God had given to His Chosen People, just so happened to be within and in a stone wall casing. Of chose the people of Jericho weren’t just going to hand over their city, so what where the Israelites to do?  Well, Joshua asked and God answered in the form of a heavenly messenger.

Very specific instructions were given to the whom, the line order and such, but to sum up for 7 days the Israelites where to go around the city, on the 7th day they were to go around the city 7 times and during the last go around sound your trumpets and when you hear that everyone yell and the city shall be yours.  It sounds a little too good to be true right? It wasn’t, Joshua and the Israelites did has God had commanded and the walls came tumbling on down. The city was theirs for the taking. By taking however, God had strict rules over this. Everything was to be burn (Less Rahab and her family to protecting the spies), the silver and gold was to be collected and put in the house of the Lord.

However, this is not exactly where the story ends. You see, although God had brought the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, parted the red sea before their very eyes, provided them manna from the heavens to eat during their years of wandering the desert (in an estimated like 7 mile radius because they kept disobey God) and though they had all just seem a miraculous task done, someone disobeyed God and stole some of the precious metals for their own. Alas, when this was discovered (through the Israelites being beaten by a smaller army when they went to take over the next “kingdom” and Joshua petitioning of the reason to God) the man and his entire family was stoned and burned to death.

Points of reference:
God can do anything, He will perform great miracles for You in order for His kingdom to be glorified.
Even if what God tells you to do sounds a little crazy, pay no attention He knows what He is doing.

Do not disobey God, though we have the free redemption through Jesus Christ (aka can you imagine in this day and age if you had to slaughter a firstborn lamb for all your sins?), that does not give us a license to act as we will. This wrath that is shown here is likened to that which will be for those who do not accept Jesus as savior. We preach that God is a God of love, and this is true, but there will come a time, where-as God’s wrath will be poured out and the One who came and died for us will hand out judgments.

Dear Heavenly Father, We thank You for giving us Your holy word as instruction, as a guide in which we might read – meditate upon and share with others, so we might have a better understanding of You, Your will and what this all is about. Though not everyone believes in You, we know the truth, that there are one of two places that each man will end up at, heaven or hell. We pray for everyone, from our loved ones to the people we do not know, that they one day embrace the truth of Salvation. Mend our broken hearts, broken bodies, broken minds and fill us with a peace that only You can provide. In the name of Your son, Jesus Christ, we pray, Amen. 



A Bullet for Pretty Boy "Symbiosis" Giveaway!

Enter to win an iTunes copy of the latest album from 
A Bullet for Pretty Boy “Symbiosis” available now (released 7/31)!

Congrats Richard J!


WaxNotNeeded - Use Your Tools [Bumper Sticker Ed]

I love automobile ink AKA bumper stickers. The part I regret most about trading in my old car is departing with all the lovely band stickers and the rest I had collected along the way (alas I am still on the look our for another Project 86 [black and white] Rival Factions vampire sticker should anyone come across one). I think they are a great little boost to show something you are a fan of or even as a witnessing tool. However, admittedly every time I see one of those emblems with a Darwin creature eating a Jesus fish I wish I had a monster truck with a metal grate on the front. So far the ones that are affixed to the current car is …

First came “Our sin is great, God’s grace is greater” which I had been eye balling for a while, because of the honest boldness of it (wasn’t sure if I could handle it), yet the truth applies to one and all. This one has come across some quizzically looks for the time it has been present on my car, but I believe the verbiage is interpretive of a few various meanings (or rather) outlooks towards the same central meaning.  

The second “God Rules” came upon a time in which after many conversations had been had with a lot of people in regards to “why God allows this, why God allows that”. As we know good and bad falls on the just and unjust, as sin is present in the world and until that time when it is no longer here, things will continue forth as such, but never fear, because God watches out for His children. The noted verses on there are …  

And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed. Daniel 7:14

This is what the Lord says—Israel’s King and Redeemer, the Lord Almighty:
I am the first and I am the last; apart from me there is no God. Isaiah 44:6
Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. Matthew 24:35

Amen! So what do you have on YOUR car, if anything? I understand stickers are not for everyone, but alas to each their own. On the horizon I would like to get the one mentioned above, the Demon Hunter “True Defiance” cross, as well as, one that references *One Way* and a skulliebow and possibly cupcake.

Dear Heavenly Father – We thank You for giving us a reason to witness, we thank You for giving us the truth to share to all that we meet, in many different fashions, whether by verbal conversation, song, written script, etc. A special thank You Father for allowing One member of *LoveIs* to “come home” again, as did the wayward son. We pray Father for ALL of mankind. May ALL men turn to You and follow Your will, as we do not wish ANYONE to see the destruction that is Hell. We ask these things in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, Amen.

SiC <3