
[My] Grateful Trio

Over the past few weeks, I have been inquiring to a few people what are the three things they are most thankful for in their life right now. I asked this question, because it is something I myself have been pondering, likewise I am curious and it is a great conversation starter. Perhaps this was all some inner self “see how far you have come” in honor of my 29th birthday (which is now passed, so you all rest as I won’t be mentioning it in another blog for a while – ha), but I have firmly planted my feet on the following, which as my diddy so complimentarily put it two weeks ago, “I am just amazed, as I watch you talk, you are not the girl I raised. You have changed so much, I am more than proud of you” (all be thanks to the glory of God for that change).

Of course this may seem on the surface as a total suck up response, but I truly do mean it. I believe that what is written here is true, I believe that there is, but one way to heaven and I believe that with out God your life is pretty much worthless (in the capacity of ‘will it count for anything after this age is done’, but yes are beings are of worth, lest Jesus wouldn't have died for us .. just for clarification). So yes, because of this, it is the #1 thing I am grateful for. Without my salvation, well to be honest, I surely believe I would be dead right now.

You have heard me say it before, “by blood or by water” (if not then I'm going to venture to say you have not yet read the book), which just simply speaks on how God can bring people into our lives, that while not may be related by blood, still are as close as if you were carried around in the womb together (or likewise if they had given birth/fathered you). The relationships for family/friends can be a lifetime, a prolonged journey or just for a season, but with these encounters we are molded into who we are. They are the people who continuously hope for your well being, hold you up in prayer, and supply a much needed shoulder to cry on in times of trouble.

If you do not know God, you do not know true love, as it is written in 1 John 4:8. Likewise, if you do not know how to love like Jesus, you do not know how Jesus loves you. Over the past two years of my life, I have experienced first-hand how Jesus loves us and I cannot imagine my life being any different now. Through the outreach of myself to others, I have realized how He has reached out to me, how to not be so apt to try to reach for perfection (as it totally doesn’t exists), nor to throw myself in a whirlwind to due a fall (sin) or to cast myself apart from people, because I have some (unjustified) thought that I am “too weird”. Likewise, as it has been shown to me quite recently, through learning to love like Jesus, I actually came upon what may be my own love language (serving/acts of service/serving together). Which admittedly comes as both as a little shock and very welcomed revelation. Perhaps other people have seen this in me all along, and it just took some extra steps toward expressing God’s love wholeheartedly to everyone, without regard for appearance, past failures or current circumstance (etc) for me to embrace it myself.

May you each examine take a moment to examine the things that you are most grateful for. Reflect on the things that God has given to you, think about where you are and where you have come from, rejoice that one day (should you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior) you will be able to bask in His radiance and live out eternity in peace and harmony with “all creation”. 


Blog Birthday | Book Giveaway

Happy 1st Birthday 
(To my Blog!

So on January 17th of last year this blog was created to share devotionals (mine and others), as well as, updates on *LoveIs*. Through the graciousness of God and prompting of the Holy Spirit through the past year I have been able to put together and have published my first book of devotionals “31 Rays of Hope”. As you know, I am also doing 31 Days of Kindness in appreciation of my 29th birthday, but I also wanted to put together a raffle to give away a signed copy of the book for free (both as HAPPY BIRTHDAY BLOG and HAPPY BIRTHDAY SELF) thing.

Over the next year I believe this blog will begin to take shape, sharing a lot of the experiences that will come about, since being gifted with the opportunity to publish a book and I hope you all take delight in reading those entries, just as much, as the devotionals of past. All to the glory of God! So if you would LIKE a signed copy of the book, please enter below, you can use it for yourself or I can customize it so you can send it to one of your friends/family members. Also, don’t forget to share it on all your social media sights, because sharing is caring. ;D

Thank you so much for your support through-out the past year and I do hope that 2013 is your BEST YEAR YET!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

To God be the glory for all things, past, present and future, forever!


Until the End of the Age by Gina B.

When Gina first published this on her blog, Fanning His Flame, back in December I knew I wanted to share it here, but alas the blog was on break so I had to exercise some patience. I hope that it speaks to you like it did to me. May you continue to grow in God, dollface. You are such an inspiration and light to those around you! 

Until the End of the Age

The faces of the children & teachers that were victims of last week’s tragedy in Connecticut are still fresh in our minds. The events have caused an array of different emotions & efforts. Fear has crept in. Parents are contemplating homeschool & demanding higher security measures. Citizens are demanding more gun control. These efforts are born from our desperation for an answer to the question: Why did this happen? 
One of the recent popular assumptions is that this happened because prayer has been removed from our schools & government. Everytime I see that statement in my newsfeed on Facebook, or hear it in conversation, my spirit cringes. The intent behind the thought is good, but the result of the statement goes against the very core of our beliefs. By saying that the reason that we encounter these tragedies is because of some (not all) people’s decision to not include God in school/government is ludicrous. In an effort to convict people to turn back to God, it is actually turning people away from God. This statement says to people, “Because your country voted differently, God has left you. You are alone.”
Which is not the case.
My God is not the leaving kind. He is not easily moved. In fact, He is steadfast & promises not to ever leave me or forsake me. He promises to not only prepare me for the fiery trials I face, but to walk with me through the fire. If my God takes care of the sparrows and ensures that they are fed, will He not surely take care of me? His Word says that He is my shield, my strength, my Defender. That He commands His angels concerning my every move. 
Scripture does say that if His people would only cry out to Him & repent, He would heal their land. But God will not throw His people to the wolves. His eye searches the earth for the heart that His after His own, and His sheep know His voice. The Shepherd will leave His flock of 99 to look for the lost one. The fact is, we live in a fallen world. There have always been horrific crimes and acts. Have they gotten worse? Yes. Will they get worse? Yes. These are the birth pains of the Kingdom of God coming and the end of the age. The enemy is on a joyride until Jesus comes back.  The one event that comes to my mind strongly is the Holocaust. The worst mass murder of all. This happened prior to our country’s current decisions. He wants us to think we are alone and without hope. We cannot let ourselves be fooled and latch onto someone else’s assumption that God has left us. We have not been, nor will we ever be on our own. If you are a child of God, you are in the shelter of His wings. He will gather us up prior to the tribulation and then we will reign with Him on the earth! These are all promises of our God. We must not forget them when tragedies occur. 
Would it be in our country’s best interest to turn back to God to be fully blessed? Yes. Scripture clearly states that disobedience and sin have consequences. 
Does our God forget His people because of their leader’s decision? No. 


Christmas Possible:2012 Recap

First off, THANK YOU for everyone who helped with this effort, either by praying, donating time, donating money, donating goods or a combination of those items listed. I have heard back from Kellie and she said the kids had a BLAST, said that it was their “best meal ever” and they are still talking about how good it was! As likewise said that evening, thanks be to God for making it all possible.

Due to the amazing generosity of all who helped we were able to do the following:

Southern Buffett Dinner
(for 31 kids/6 staff)
Fried Chicken + Yams + Mashed Potatoes + Gravy + Mac n’ Cheese + Green Beans + Corn + Rolls + Fudge + Sugar Cookies + Sweet Tea + Pink Lemonade

Christmas Eve Gifts
(for 31 kids/6 staff, staff got surprised with gift cards =D)

Sweaters, shirts, wallets, purses, group games, and various miscellaneous items for opening on Christmas Morning (or newcomer gifts)

Outfitted 8 beds (4 boys / 4 girls) with all new bedding and pillows

The evening of CP:12 was more magical than I could ever have imagined. While I was pretty much running around like a chicken with my head cut off I can say that the youth there were just splendid! It was truly a delight when a few of the youth sang for us, and when I heard one of the volunteers ask, “Do you paint” to one of the youth who had received one of the acrylic kits for their “surprise gift” said, “Not yet, but now that I have this I will learn”, I melted!

Aside from just serving the youth and the staff at the Covenant House, one of my joys was seeing all of the volunteers come together. Not to mention, we had a family who donated their time and efforts that was made up of three generations. You can truly see their lights for the Lord beaming from miles away! 

However, you don’t have to take my word for it, here is some additional notes from some of the lovely volunteers that night:

“My experience at the homeless shelter was great because I got to help people. I know that I need to be grateful for what I get and have. It was nice to share with people who have less than I. I know that I am blessed.” – Ameira (age 10)

“I am fortunate to know an amazing young lady that shares herself so openly with others and organized CP:12.  I’ve done different volunteer work in the past but nothing like this event.  Experiencing the joy that this event brought to the many young adults who attended was a precious gift to my husband and me.   I had many of them come up to me and thank me for their gifts or hug me and tell me how much they appreciated the meal.  What a wonderful feeling knowing you made a difference in their Christmas.  One young man loved the Christmas cookies I’d baked so much that he asked for a takeout container so that he could take the rest of them home with him.   He left two just in case someone else still wanted one. =D  To think that these young adults may never have had such a treat really brings home how lucky we are to have loving family and friends.” – Lisa

The following companies also helped out with the efforts, so MANY thanks to Canvas By U (who did a painting party, presents and supplied 50 new mattresses), Publix (gift card aka chicken masters), Fifth Group Restaurants (gift card), LegalSea Foods (gift card) and Rack Room Shoes (gift card). 

God is good, ALL THE TIME