
Blog Birthday | Book Giveaway

Happy 1st Birthday 
(To my Blog!

So on January 17th of last year this blog was created to share devotionals (mine and others), as well as, updates on *LoveIs*. Through the graciousness of God and prompting of the Holy Spirit through the past year I have been able to put together and have published my first book of devotionals “31 Rays of Hope”. As you know, I am also doing 31 Days of Kindness in appreciation of my 29th birthday, but I also wanted to put together a raffle to give away a signed copy of the book for free (both as HAPPY BIRTHDAY BLOG and HAPPY BIRTHDAY SELF) thing.

Over the next year I believe this blog will begin to take shape, sharing a lot of the experiences that will come about, since being gifted with the opportunity to publish a book and I hope you all take delight in reading those entries, just as much, as the devotionals of past. All to the glory of God! So if you would LIKE a signed copy of the book, please enter below, you can use it for yourself or I can customize it so you can send it to one of your friends/family members. Also, don’t forget to share it on all your social media sights, because sharing is caring. ;D

Thank you so much for your support through-out the past year and I do hope that 2013 is your BEST YEAR YET!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

To God be the glory for all things, past, present and future, forever!

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