
Revelations Rattle

Ever since I was a young girl, roughly around 7 years old, I have had quite the fascination with the book of Revelations. At first, it was the verses of Revelations 21 that held my interest. How could they not? To a young girl who in some ways longed for a sparkly palace homestead, it was a mental picture of pure perfection, even if I had no clue what some of the gems actual looked like.

The angel who talked with me had a measuring rod of gold to measure the city, its gates and its walls.  The city was laid out like a square, as long as it was wide. He measured the city with the rod and found it to be 12,000 stadia in length, and as wide and high as it is long.  The angel measured the wall using human measurement, and it was 144 cubits thick. The wall was made of jasper, and the city of pure gold, as pure as glass. The foundations of the city walls were decorated with every kind of precious stone. The first foundation was jasper, the second sapphire, the third agate, the fourth emerald, the fifth onyx, the sixth ruby, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth turquoise, the eleventh jacinth, and the twelfth amethyst. The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl. The great street of the city was of gold, as pure as transparent glass.
Revelations 21:15-21

These verses held for me a much brighter ever after, one that was made achievable since I had accepted Jesus as the savior of my tiny little heart. Though many of years have passed since I first discovered this scripture group and my knowledge of the last book of the Bible (which is of the upmost seriousness) has increased immeasurably, it is still one that puts a delighted smile onto my face.

Remember as you yourself read Revelations that though the pages may get a bit “heavy” as very serious topics are at hand, remember this and know that the end is only the beginning for those that have accepted Jesus Christ as lord and savior.

So henceforth, to spark your interest in the book itself and because I have never come across a song to the likes of the EVER below, take a listen to Doomsday Insurance by Theory Hazit. It is the best lyrical representation of the book that has ever been (to my knowledge) and probably ever will be. It might give you the willys with your first listen, but try it again after a few minutes or hours or days. 


Christmas Possible: 2013 - Let Your LOVE Shine!

Happy Friday Everyone! Here is hoping your week was lovely,and that if you do “celebrate” Valentine’s Day, that is was a delight (yes I ama week later, but whateves).

We have had almost two months off now from the event that isknown as Christmas Possible, and now it is time to start thinking about theevent for 2013. Yet again, we will be serving on Christmas Eve at the Covenant House in Atlanta, GA. This year we have decided to do a Mexican Christmas, andare looking to have it catered from Moe’s. Since the kid count is expected tobe over 100 this year, we felt itbest to go this route. We are currently thinking of ideas of how to raise moneyfor the food and/or perhaps have the food donated or given at a discount (contact hasbeen made, phone chat pending – squee!).   Due to the generosity of a friend and his family, we will now be having a fresh off the grill BBQ!

Due to the increased cost of food, we are looking fordonations of a little bit different kind this year, rather than doing a whiteelephant game, which want to supply “care bags” to all that are in attendance,as such, there is a need for such items like (for both girls and boys): 

Lotion [travel size lotion qty filled]
Hairbrush / Combs
Shaving Cream
Toothbrush / Toothpaste
Perfume / Cologne 

However, not to discourage, anything and everything donatedwill be given to the shelter  - this isjust our central focus for this year’s event. Efforts will begin shortly oncontacting companies for product donations, should any of you contacted viaemail be reading this, we do graciously hope that you will join with us in ourefforts. 

If you are interested in helping out and/or donating pleasecontact me, all donations (goods and funds) are tax deductible and you will beprovided a receipt.

As always, please keep this event in your prayers, it is themost important thing we can do, in order to make is a success!

To God be the glory and thank you all kindly! 


Saving Grace [A Flyleaf Restatement]

If I dared to give anything aside from jubilant praises for the latest Flyleaf album, “New Horizon’s” I should have my tongue cut out for complete disobedience of self. 

Okay, I have spent the last week reading the Hunger Games trilogy, so yes I would turn myself into a metaphorical avox.

It is a WONDERFUL album and it must be told (everyone should own it).

I was drawn to purchase this album first and foremost because the title track that was released a several weeks before the album itself. It simply just drew me in with some upgraded lyrically hidden secret and a wonderful video to boot. Of course, when the album was released, the bomb was dropped and it was announced that Lacey Sturm was leaving the band. Le sigh. To say I was a little disappointed would be an understatement, as I have never had a chance to see them live, but alas should-a, would-a, could-a.

As with all of the other Flyleaf albums, the vibrant tracks are infused with real life circumstances, state of the world addresses, personal battles and laced with the unmistakable mark of Spirituality.

Albeit not my intention to make this some sort of track-by-track album review, I would rather focus on one song particular. I cannot for the life of me, pick a favorite track – it changes from day to day or depending on my mood, or taken into consideration of what I am doing when the particular song gets blasted through my ear buds. Though there is one track, Saving Grace, which well speaks to a part of me that has always been and will also be …

Grace has been a theme I have been studying for a little over three months now and something I think we all struggle with is the duality between our earthly selves and that which we are called to be in Christ. As we are told in 2 Corinthians, we are new beings once saved, yet admittedly we still have to face this world every day, but likewise, we are made new in Christ every day. Sure, you might only make a profession of faith by water baptism once, but daily we are called to pick up our cross and follow Jesus. The grace that has saved us all, should we chose to accept it, is not just a one-time thing, it is an every day-forever thing. 

Grace can be translated into simply the love of God, the love of the Son and the love of the Spirit for us. 

As elementary as it is states with the chorus:
Save me grace
I'm sick of saving face
Will You hold me close?
You're all I want to know

Such plain words, grouped together in such a way to make sense of all that we are and all that we should be.

We are sinners, saved by grace, who desire to be purely loved and are called to live for Him alone.

May you enjoy your week, be a blessing to those you meet and have a quiet moment perhaps to reflect on what it is you want to know in this life.