
A Basket All Its Own

When I was younger this time of year (Resurrection.. well as it was known to me then as Easter) brought so much joy to me. I delighted in Easter egg hunts, both at church and with friends at our homes. I enjoyed waking up on Easter morning to see what treats the Easter Bunny had left for me. It was nice to wear a new brightly colored dress for all to see.

However now, this time of year, the celebration of the Resurrection of our savior, Jesus Christ, holds no trivial value. The significance of it has changed and molded itself into what is, for a believer, the most important time in our history. Without the death and resurrection of the Savior, we would not be who we are … our futures after this age has ended would not be so bright.

Though with the happiness that comes with Salvation through Jesus Christ, admittedly this time also brings sadness. I feel for what He had to go through, in order that I.. that we .. might be reconciled back to the Creator. He did nothing wrong, but yet He suffered a death worse than any we could ever imagine out of love, love for His Father and love for His Father’s creation.

It is for this reason that sometimes it is so hard for me to grasp that I cannot be perfect. I think some of us desire to be perfect, not so that we might be counted as such (good), but more so that we do not cause any more pain (in human terms) to Father, Son and Spirit. We wish that we could grant them all a moment off, from having to intercede on our behalf – from having to watch over us because of our indifferences and sinful ways, but alas in this age it will not be.

Though we know what is written to us in the Bible is true, God knows all – He knew what He was doing before He laid the foundation of the Earth and to Him, the Creator, all of which has passed and all which will come, is considered “worth it” in order that we might (all those who call upon His Son and receive the free gift of salvation) be with Him for eternity. As such that is our consolation.

I saw this verse last week while Tumbling and Pinning away, but have come upon a greater understanding of it after this weekend, which I am sure will give way to even more in the years to come.

Because in much wisdom there is much grief, and increasing knowledge results in increasing pain. Ecclesiastes 1:18

However, we believers have a hope – a truth – a promise that no matter how much grief or pain (mental or physical) that we suffer here on Earth, that one day, thanks to Jesus Christ (who we should celebrate not only during Resurrection weekend or Lenten season but daily, through-out the entire calendar year) it will cease to be.

He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death' or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. 
Revelations 21:4

Thank you Father, Son and Spirit for all that you have done, are doing and will do in the future. Might all of Your children come together as one, may we rid ourselves from the opinions and prejudices that keep us at a distance with one another, and work toward the common goal of being witnesses for you, for showing your love to everyone – everywhere, regardless of past history or current circumstance. Thank You Father for the free gift of salvation (forgiveness, grace, redemption), which is free of charge through Your Son alone, and for the Helper who guides us day by day. In Jesus name, Amen. 

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