
You Know You Want It

Once my ma’ told me that she heard a preacher say something along the line of, “Once you accept Jesus nothing bad will ever happen”. Admittedly, if I ever heard a preacher (or anyone) say this, I’d seriously have to resist the urge to put a violent action into motion. How crazy and unjust is this comment? No wonder we have people who have accepted Jesus as Savior and then question it so heartedly when things get a little hinky. It is because they have been taught a straight up lie!

Though yes, things will happen (bad and good), there is one thing (well many, but you know what I mean ;]) that accepting Jesus does bring and that thing is peace. Sure you may have one day or many days with unrest, but alas once you have accepted Jesus Christ into your heart you have an eternal kind of peace in which says “one day ALL THINGS will be better”. Likewise, as I have heard many a person say (if they are having some mental distress or even physical pain) after they start conversing with the Father, it is as if blanket of mental clarity washes over them or they don't even notice the pain anymore.

While things may happen to get you down, fret not! As it is written in 1 Peter 5:6, “Cast all your anxiety on Him because he cares for you”.  Allow the peace [a peace that is compared to none other] rain down upon you, as in John 14:27 states, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid". 

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