
Signs and Songs

I have a soft spot for church signs, and taking a moment to snap a picture and share it something I have wanted to do for a while [over Saturday and Sunday it finally happened]. They can be like little nuggets of awesome. However, I am a little booface because there isn’t many that actually have “sayings” on them in my area and I share them with you now – along with a verse and a song.  

"And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him. And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, “Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come, for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God. And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death. Therefore, rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short!”Revelation 12:9-12

"More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us."
Romans 5:3-5 


"In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another."
1 John 4:9-11

"The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”
Mark 12:31

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."
Proverbs 3:5-6


The Perfection Paradox

Yesterday I shared the above image on my Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter. I still think it is funny, and not to mention, it contains mention of a verse, that is in one of my favorite “blocks of verses”, which is fully 

“But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, even the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, to all and on all who believe. For there is no difference; for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.”
Romans 3:21-24

Well I received a comment about the photo on Pinterest, and wanted to just felt led to write about it a bit. The comment was, “This is true but I also think that everyone is "perfect" in their own way... like perfect who they are. NO one is really perfect besides God."

As we all know language is changing, not only does a word mean what it originally meant (for years gone by), but in some cases it can actually mean not it actually, but be said for effect - the word literally is a good example. Not to mention I myself use [my own] slang a good portion of the time, so first lets examine what the word perfect means.

Merriam-Websters defines perfect first as, “being entirely without fault or defect".   

The scripture has a whole lot to say on perfection. Apart from Mr. Solomon's use of the word the verses all echo similar chords, how God is the only thing perfect and how "actions" and "thoughts" can be perfected by seeking and aligning oneself to God's will. As I believe it to be true, we (humanly) cannot be perfect, unless we are 100% of God (i.e. we will obtain true perfection in heaven | new earth | aka next chapter) should that "label" even matter then. Sure, we are all unique and awesome [I stand by that 150%], but alas are we ever actually “what we are destined to finally be” since we are “always being improved upon” until we are no longer here? 

The fact that we are not perfect is one of the reasons we follow after Him, so we can be more like Him. And yes, we are “made perfect in God’s eyes”, but that is because God looks at those who have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior through blood-stained goggles. The Father doesn’t see our fault, because He see’s what His Son did on our behalf.

Can I get an AMEN?

Now you may or may not know this, but actually my self-dubbed theme song is Perfectwritten by Flyleaf and Matt Lewis. If I ever get a chance to speak stadium style, a la Joyce Meyers, I totally want that playing as I walk to wherever my final destination is in the building. Lacey Sturm belts out so amazingly exactly what echoes in my core. Please take a listen. 

Thank you dear Lord for giving us free will, for allowing us to choose You whole-heartedly, even though as a believer I (and many others) may wish our free-will was taken away so we could not fall. However, we thank you for giving us a way back to you, apart from ourselves - apart from Old Testament laws, one based on true love, obedience and grace. We yearn to echo that same love out to the world, may we be shining examples of You (Father, Son and Spirit) to those that we meet. May we seek to build each other up, instead of tearing each other down. May the word perfect not even enter our thoughts, unless we immediately associate it with You. Search us dear Lord, and make us more like You. In the name of your perfect Son, Jesus Christ, we pray. 

Want to read more biblical truth and personal thoughts about perfection?
Check out 31 Rays of Hope [A Month of Daily Devotionals] : Day Twenty-One "Better Than Cupcakes".


*LoveIs* - Sunday 9/8/13

Little 5 Points (*LoveIs* M/M) welcomes TAMMY and CRAIG

I would have mentioned something yesterday, but despite my few words I was close to Frank... I felt it best to give him his own day, so to speak. These two lovely people came our way via Mr. Mike (hand picked by God, it seems) and it was such a blessing. Honestly, I felt like I had the day off (hence all the photos). After preaching Mrs. Tammy just hopped behind the table to start serving (her homemade vegetarian spaghetti), while Mr. Craig was on paper-towel and utensil duty. My only hope is that they stay around, as we all really enjoyed them. They have hearts to help those in need and it is visible on their sleeves, which of course I am a fan of!

In addition to the two folks mentioned above, another volunteer stopped by, whom I will refer to as Mr. Tall (as he calls me Too Short), out of no-where! It was a great day of growth, tunes and community. Mr. Mike gave a wonderful message, I personally enjoyed hearing a little more about his story and now I understand a little bit more about Mrs. Gibby (you are a TROOPER ma'am). Not to mention one of the attendants took the time to read the Bible to me and teach me a little, so appreciative! 

To God be the glory, as He is good - ALL THE TIME


A Moment For ❤ Frank ❤

This is Frank. He was a super awesome, helpful, caring man who assisted us in Little 5 Points on Sundays. I found out today that he was murdered earlier this week; a few of you may have seen the story on television. May I ask that you keep Frank’s family in your prayers during this time! 

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."

John 14:27 NIV


Sabrina C. Anderson - Author of "How To Live A Fabulous Life In Christ"

Sabrina C. Anderson is author of 
How To Live A Fabulous Life In Christ: A Womans Guide To Spiritual Growth
which is available via Amazon.

As you may have noticed (if you have been here before) ShadesofSunshine has had a bit of a makeover .. more shades of me if you will. As such, I would like to thank Sabrina for taking the time for this interview. She truly is a delight! You can read my review of her book here

Who is Sabrina C. Anderson and what do you want the world to know about you?
I am first a daughter and a sister. I grew up very spiritual and knew early on I had spiritual gifts to share with the world; I just didn’t how that would happen.  I started December Publishing in 2011 really taking a leap of faith and trusting God that this was His calling on my life. It has been a blessing to me because I use writing as a tool for other people to learn from my pain. So many miraculous things can happen to you when you are being shaped by God in those storms and I love being able to share the whispers of wisdom that God has graciously imparted to my soul.

What led you to write “How to Live a Fabulous Life in Christ”?
I was actually led by the Holy Spirit. I never intended to become an author as my writing experience extends from basic prayer journaling to graduate school. Growing up, I was often in trouble at school for my writings being too mature, not following the rules, etc. So it never occurred to me this could be a gift. I had planned on becoming an attorney and having this fabulous legal career but deep inside I knew there was something else I was put on this earth for.
I was completely stunned when this idea came upon my spirit. Once I began to pursue it, I started meeting the right people who could help me launch this into the world. I literally began this work from scratch with a title, a few scriptures and the voice of God leading me. It was one of the most uncomfortable periods of my life because I didn’t know what I was doing, and I certainly didn’t know the entire plan (I still don’t). I knew I was given a task, a message to young women and somehow it would reach those who needed to hear it.
Looking back now, it all makes sense how this unfolded over the course of my life.

What do you hope people get from reading the book?
I hope people take away the message that like success, spiritual growth is a journey not a destination. I would like readers to know that this isn’t about becoming sinless but rather reaching your highest level of humanity. Through that, we can love and serve one another exactly how God desires. This originally was a work for young women who show up to Sunday service but don’t have a relationship with God. I knew from my experiences early on, that young millennial women are very spiritual and desire much more from this life rather than just showing up to church.
As time went on I began to meet grown men and women who felt the same way so this book is for anyone. Anyone can experience that incredible amount of joy and fulfillment that comes from walking with Christ. This book shows you where to begin.

As an author myself, and a person who is active in ministry (teaching, outreach, etc.) I have come across some “old school” ways of looking at females positions in ministry. Have you come across any of this? If so, do you have any comments and/or advice to other women who have been called into active ministry?
I have actually. I noticed from the very beginning of my Christian walk that women were not given the same voice as men when it comes to ministry. The very first church I served in, if you were a woman your place was clear: kitchen, women’s ministry, decorating, day care, and teaching young children. If you were a female minister, you were married. I didn’t see young 20 something single women like myself answering the calls on their life in this way.
So, I really struggled with having a ministry like this because I always felt like in the church, in order for me to advance in my calling I had to have a husband otherwise, I wouldn’t be taken seriously.  After I left that church, I began to grow in my understanding that if God gives something to you, He has done so because He created YOU to do it. God will send the right people to you to help accomplish the task-what role they play in your life, only God knows.
It takes a tremendous amount of courage to take that leap of faith to pursue those God given dreams and once you take that first step, the rest just falls into place overtime. My best advice is to trust God, listen to God and make the leap. The rest will follow. Everything from God is tailor made for your growth and your personality, so fear nothing.

Aside from writing what are your other passions and hobbies?
I am very passionate about cooking for my parents.  I just recently began baking homemade dog treats for my dog Noah. I love reading, blogging, graphic design, art, and culture, all things feminine and connecting with other young people who desire more from this life.

What is next for you? 
I am currently revising How to Live a Fabulous Life in Christ and looking to relaunch a second edition before the year is up. I’m excited because the Lord has been here this whole journey and I am just delighted to share the wisdom I have gained from walking with Him.

Any last comments?
Hollie, thank you for having me and I pray many blessings over you, this blog and your endeavors.