
*LoveIs* - Sunday 9/8/13

Little 5 Points (*LoveIs* M/M) welcomes TAMMY and CRAIG

I would have mentioned something yesterday, but despite my few words I was close to Frank... I felt it best to give him his own day, so to speak. These two lovely people came our way via Mr. Mike (hand picked by God, it seems) and it was such a blessing. Honestly, I felt like I had the day off (hence all the photos). After preaching Mrs. Tammy just hopped behind the table to start serving (her homemade vegetarian spaghetti), while Mr. Craig was on paper-towel and utensil duty. My only hope is that they stay around, as we all really enjoyed them. They have hearts to help those in need and it is visible on their sleeves, which of course I am a fan of!

In addition to the two folks mentioned above, another volunteer stopped by, whom I will refer to as Mr. Tall (as he calls me Too Short), out of no-where! It was a great day of growth, tunes and community. Mr. Mike gave a wonderful message, I personally enjoyed hearing a little more about his story and now I understand a little bit more about Mrs. Gibby (you are a TROOPER ma'am). Not to mention one of the attendants took the time to read the Bible to me and teach me a little, so appreciative! 

To God be the glory, as He is good - ALL THE TIME

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