
So I'm gonna fangirl for a moment ...

Friday I was blessed with the opportunity to be a volunteer at the Rend Collection, Urban Rescue and Moriah Peters show at the Variety Playhouse in Little 5 Points for the Art Of Celebration Tour. Initially I was not scheduled to be at this event, but someone asked me to cover their shift, and I could .. so I did.

I first heard about Moriah on Air1's "behind the music" featurette a few months ago. Her song "You Carry Me" is a soulful tune that speaks to my core (however interestingly enough it is not my super fave from her latest album, but I digress). It was my unspoken prayer request that I got placed at her table for merchandise. And guess what, I did. Pre-show I was introduced to and given the low-down from Jesie, a talented and very nice thirfter, whom is a multi-instrument performer in Moriah's band.
Even though I was working the show, I was able to watch Moriah perform "You Carry Me", which totally blew me away. The girl is great live yall, like I mean FOR REAL. Not to mention she had on mermaid pants that changed color, handmade by her sister. Later chats were had about her sister totally getting an Etsy store, and duplicating the lovely princesses who desire them.

From the time Moriah finished her performance until the doors to the venue closed, it was such a blessing to see crowds of people who had never heard of her all echo their admiration. From little baby girls to granddads they spoke in agreement, "that girl is awesome". Not only is her voice, and her message amazing, but her personality is as well. After the show she came to the merch table for a meet-n-greet, and had a real, personal encounter with each individual who came up. She signed cds, posed for photos, doled out positive affirmations and encouraging scripture, and thanked every one of them for their support. When the last fan had left, she thanked my co-volunteer (Sarah) and I, and gave us a little gift. Then we all chatted while Moriah, Jesie, Sarah and I packed up, and parted ways.

Seriously, did I mention Moriah is only 21. So humble. So real. This girl will undoubtedly go far in life. Many blessings to her in Christ! 

Now, as mentioned above I was given a little gift which happened to be a signed copy of her new album Brave, which has been in my cd player since Friday about 11pm. This album is FOOD FOR THE SOUL! Admittedly, I don't listen to a lot of female singers, but Moriah is on another level. She speaks about things that which relate to us all, and her voice is so unique! Perhaps I could give you someone to compare her to, but that would be unfair, as it only lasts for a second. She stands on her own. There is not one song on this album that I dislike. So with that being said, here are my five favorite tracks (at the moment, out of the eleven) in order of appearance on the album. Did I mention, I really like the album? I hope you enjoy them, as much as I do, or even more!


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