
Hope, Hypocrisy and a Hallelujah

This month I received quite the blessing, as you may or may not have seen yet, Loved + Blessed (a monthly faith based subscription box), included a copy of 31 Rays of Hope this month. To say that I am grateful, excited, and humbled does not begin to cover it. I am in awe of what the box is doing for people across the world, and I am joyous and expecting that the words penned in the book will inspire hope, and foster a better connection with the Creator of the world to those who read it. I’m an actual subscriber to Loved + Blessed, and surely do recommend you check it out for $10/month as a lovely little pick me up and truth reminder of His word. Not to mention a portion of the proceeds from the box go to helping the homeless (bonus!).

Growing up I was always told a hypocrite was one who “said one thing, and did another”. Quite the blanket statement, but as believers, we could all be grouped into this category, even-though we are continuously eager to be more aligned and in step with the Perfect One. Right?

I mean the biblical moral advice that we give to others, may always be more on point than what we do in our own lives. Eh? Recently, I heard a preacher as to go so far, as this is one of the reasons we should keep personal opinions and advice to ourselves, lest we don’t look like such. I’ve even gone so far as to say to friends after hearing that, do you want to know what it seems is the best option or what I would probably do that isn’t the best way … how about I just share both (as admittedly I have had no problem spewing commentary in the past). Now I find myself sometimes just telling them (who are believers) to seek God for the answer because He ultimately knows better than I, and I honestly don’t want to be included in the Matthew 23 version of the word. Alas, as Paul shares in Romans 7 we can all be a bit backwards at times. 

Broken Hallelujah by phasingirl on DeviantArt

But even so the first topic washes over the second and breaks way into a hallelujah, as in Christ alone our hope is found! There is an abundance of grace, forgiveness, mercy and love awaiting everyone all thanks to the Creator of the world, shown through the actions of His Son, and through the comfort of His Spirit, and just the  mere fact that we all taking another breathe in the very moment.

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble.
But take heart! I have overcome the world."
John 16:33

May you take a moment this morning, regardless of where you are – what you are doing, just to simply thank Him for all that He has done, is doing, and will do. May peace rule in your life today, and may you be engulfed in His love, apt to show that same love to others. As believers we not only have the answer(s) to this life, but the key to life here-after, for all eternity. Thanks be to Jesus, for by Him alone we are saved and it is in His name we pray.

Now enjoy these bonus tracks that have been blaring through my speakers as of late!



A Call To The Hunted

Photo Credit God in All Things 

Me: Do the bugs feel pain from the bug spray?
Mom: Well they probably feel pain, but it more-so messes with the neurological system.
Me: Well I hope they don’t feel pain, perhaps they could just go out on some drug type trip.

This may sound like a conversation that I had with my mom when I was younger, but in fact it happened this week. We have these hard-shell bugs that come out in droves at night, have a sort lifespan, but awesome flying capabilities. Albeit bugs can be annoying, I still don’t desire for them to cause pain when they must be killed. Likewise, more-so important, I don’t desire for anyone to feel pain. So naturally it grieves me that the world around us is suffering. Their souls are crying out through words and actions for the need to know true love, that which is only offered through God.  

Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.
1 John 4:8

And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.
1 John 4:16

It has been a little over a week since the shooting in Charleston at Emmanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, in which rattled the core of believers of the faith, and non alike. If you work the Google machine, and search “Christians killed” under the news section, you will find many accounts of people being killed for their belief in Jesus Christ as of late. Though it might seem somewhat bleak, it is my thought that this will only get worse. As even as it is written in 1 Timothy, it is my desire that all people are saved, although I know that not all people will. It is important in this time of persecution that we, as followers of Jesus, lean to what we know … love. Our future is secure, body piercing saved our lives, and we should be fervently praying for the world around us, for the people who are committing this acts of hate … not dreaming of repaying them in kind.

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus,  who gave himself as a ransom for all people. This has now been witnessed to at the proper time.
1 Timothy 2:1-6

Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.
1 Peter 3:9

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Romans 12:21

And as always, please never think that I write anything down in a finger pointing manner. All that I write are lessons that I have been taught, are being taught or even re-taught for the 50 millionth time in some cases. It is my desire to simply help you grow in your faith, in your walk, in your life.

May you, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, be at peace in the midst of the chaos and shift of this world. May you not look to the television, your bank account or another person as your source of comfort and security, but to God alone. Know that your salvation is secure in Christ, live for Him, seek His truth and share His message with the world. Live by grace, rather than by law, and know that nothing can separate you from His love. In the name of Jesus, we pray.


Theresa Tese - Founder of Comfort Socks

It is with a warm heart that I am able to interview Theresa Tese, founder of Comfort Socks, whom I have had the pleasure of knowing for about two years. She is without a doubt a faithful and humble servant of Christ who has a sincere heart for helping those affected by homelessness. As such thank you Theresa for allowing me this opportunity! I hope you are doing well, and for those who have never heard of Comfort Socks before, I wanted to start off by sharing your video from the website. 

So, as a distributor of donated goods, what importance would you place on community to your organization, as well as, the well being of society as a whole?
Community is important for support to our cause. Local sock drives contribute largely to our sustainability. We also appreciate our national supporters. We couldn’t accomplish our goals without those who understand in their hearts, the importance of socks.

On the website you do go into detail about how Comfort Socks came about in the Our Story section, which reads as a true testimony of faith, calling, and a new life through/in Jesus. As you have almost 7 years under your belt, as an incorporated entity, how would you compare where you are now vs. then (as a company and personally)?
Some aspects of the ‘then and now’ have remained the same (the vision, the drive, the excitement of the mission). The NOW is a deeper relationship with what helping the broken really means, and also I have been touched by the ‘2/3 of the angels that did NOT fall’. The network of people all across our nation that truly care about their fellow man inspires me over and over again.  I have truly learned and solidly stand on, that when one is obedient to the call of the Lord, then He unveils deeper and deeper parts of the father’s heart. There is nothing like experiencing God in all three persons. So in short – It is so much more than socks!!

Did you have a passion to help the homeless before the change, or was it something completely new to you?
I always wanted to do good, but helping the homeless never crossed my mind until the Lord gave me this mission.  Recently the Lord asked me “Do you want to know why I have put caring in your heart for the homeless?” I excitedly said “Oh Yes, Please Lord”.  Immediately the Lord brought to my remembrance the night before I left home. I was 17 years old again, staring at myself in the mirror, experiencing the bruising that led me to leave. And then I heard the Lord say “You see, you never realized you were homeless then, but I, the Lord, have taken your hurt and turned it into a victory in your life.”

Do you believe that everyone has a specific calling upon their life? 

 If yes, how would you encourage someone unsure of what they should be doing to seek it out?
You must first be born again (be in relationship with Jesus), then seek the Lord and His will for your life. Do not ignore it once you have heard from Him, and rejoice in what He has placed in your heart. The Lord is our guiding light, PERIOD. He is our provider, PERIOD. He will never leave us or forsake us, PERIOD. Stand on Him always.

What about someone who knows what they should be doing, but is just fearful of taking a step out into the unknown?
Rejoice in what He has placed in your heart. Praise is powerful, Faith is necessary, and offensive prayer leads us to His destination quickly. Stand, love and embrace the Lord’s calling on your life.

What would be your inspirational Bible verse, quote and/or song of choice?  
Matthew 9:36  But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were faint and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd.
Song: From the Inside Out (Hillsong)

As we have a similar area of interest (homeless), what would you say (if anything) to counteract the very negative stereotypes that surround people who are affected by this?
We are called to love – it never matters what another does or did, it only matters what Jesus did.

Do you have a particular story of awesomeness that you would like to share about a particular group, event or person that you have helped along the way?
One of my favorite places to send socks is the church of the commonground in Atlanta, GA – this church is an outreach church that each week wash the feet of the homeless and  give them new socks and shoes. They also encourage those that have had their feet washed to wash the feet of others. So pure and powerful, we simply love it.

Photo used by permission of Comfort Socks
Lastly, is there anything else you would like to add before we close?
I appreciate the opportunity to share the spiritual side of our mission. Using such a simple thing to give comfort to the lost is such a profound thing, and it is totally God. We pray over every pair that leaves us, with full faith that His healing will touch the person whose feet the socks will cover.  I thank Him for you and your dedication to share His love. 

Thank you again so much Theresa for the interview! You are a true inspiration, and may you (and your entire organization) be blessed for that which you do.

If any of you would like to link up with Comfort Socks you can find them on all the different social media platforms, so you can spread the word to all you know about what a great thing they are doing via  FacebookTwitter and G+