
Biblical Womanhood in Five Minutes // Ask John Piper

First and foremost I hope all who read this are doing well. That even if you might be going through something, that you have a peace within side you that transcends because of the Holy Spirit. Many I know at this current time are longing to go home (aka heaven), but as more people long I can't help but think of how many people I know wouldn't be in attendance. If you have ever wanted to know more about God and/or being saved please check out the links below. Or I would be happy to chat, always about anything! 


Gender and gender roles is a topic that is on a lot of tongues these days. Take a listen to this very short video with John Piper which might bring encouragement to you as a woman or it might even make you question what you believe on the topic. I am withholding my own opinions at this time but just felt led to share it. 

Peace, love and blessings to you, through our Savior, Jesus Christ. ðŸ’™

What is required for Salvation?
Can you believe this?
Salvation / Sinners Prayer 

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