
Loved & Blessed Uplift Gathering


About a month ago now I participated in the 2020 Uplift Gathering by Loved + Blessed. Though I didn’t join in the breakout sessions I was definitely “meant” to be there for the speakers (aka encouragers) and will take some of what I learned over the two days with me for life! I ended up pinning down 11 pages of notes and wanted to say a huge **THANK YOU** to all of the presenters and people involved in this effort (though they may never read this, and that is OK, may the Spirit send the gratitude on for me). 😊

Sooooo here are my notes. The theme was JOY, but more specifically "How To Choose Joy Even When ..."  To be noted, did not write down when Jamila spoke, since she was the main moderator/host and dropping nuggets of joy gold here and there, but seriously, I so appreciate her listening to God’s prompting and doing what she is doing 24/7.







Peeps featured in the above photos are: 

Jamila Jackson
Hannah Barefoot 
Rachael Gilbert
Melanie Ezechi (Social Worker Superstar)
Julie Landreth
Paula Bryant-Ellis
Ralonda Dittmar
Christol (Retired Track & Field Athlete, Current Minister & Faith/Fitness Coach)

What did I take away most from the gathering? There really isn't just one thing. There are many littles and many bigs, that I hope you take away yourself from the notes above. ðŸ˜‰

Peace, love, and blessings to you, through our Savior, Jesus Christ! ðŸ’™

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