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*Love Is* is a mission effort, personal mantra, and movement set forth in May 2011 to spark a change in how we view our fellow man (focusing on those that are victim of homelessness and poverty stricken situations). It was brought about out of inspiration of John 15:12, on the truth that we are called to love one another as Christ loved us (all humankind included), regardless of belief, outward appearance, past history or current circumstance.  What is love? Well God is love (1 John 4:8), and you need to look no further than Romans 5:8. The goal is to help people in need, even in the simplest of fashion, to improve upon their life and simply show love.

The mission of *LoveIs* is to share the love of God, by sharing the Word of God and to show the Love of God through action. I invite you to embrace and carry for *LoveIs* in your own life to those that you meet. :)

*Love Is* a revolution *Crazy Enough* to work.




“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” John 15:12

Update 2019 :  As many places have made it "illegal" to help (especially on the go and if you don't have a few licenses) this topic will not be discussed much going forward. However, please know efforts will forever and always be on-going until God calls me home.

Looking for somewhere to help, but not sure where? Check out one of these great organizations!